

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2020-03-10 18:52:31
想看详细的说明就去这里看看吧: 1.安装ClearType; 2.YaHei.Consolas.1.12.ttf,下载安装在C:\WINDOWS\Fonts就可以了; 3.在你想应用雅黑字体库的地方,选择YaHei.Consolas的字体就可以了; 注意: >有时候可能你应用了字体会有阴影效果,这时候你就可以在控制>ClearType Tuning,勾选Turn On ClearType就可以了; 字体下载地址: 你电脑上的窗口从白花花的颜色变成淡淡的苹果绿。 设置方法: 1. 打开控制面板中的"显示" 选择外观(appearance)-高级(advanced),然后在项目(items)那栏选窗口(windows),再点颜色(color)-其它(others),然后把Hue(色调设为85,Sat(饱和度)设为90,Lum(亮度)设为205。然后单击 添加到自定义颜色(Add to custom colors),按“OK”...一直OK。 2. 桌面-右键-属性-外观-高级-项目-窗口(记住选窗口啊)-颜色-其它,色调设为85,饱和度设为90,亮度设为205。然后单击[添加到自定义颜色]-确定...一路确定。 3.


生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2020-01-15 05:18:36
上文说到ClearType对CRT的显示器显示效果改进不是很明显,这就得分析CRT显示器的显示原理了: CRT显示器原理简介 CRT显示器的显示原理是:显像管的电子枪发射电子,通过扫描的方式在使电子轰击荧光屏上的荧光粉发光,通过红绿蓝(RGB)三色的荧光粉组合,显示出不同的颜色。 显像管是CRT显示的核心部件,下面就显像管做一下简单的介绍: 物理结构: 显像管种类: 点罩式(代表厂商:LG、PHILIPS、CPT、SAMSUNG等) 栅罩式(代表厂商:Mitsubishi、SONY) 从上可以看出来,其实我们很多显示器都是点罩式的,而点罩式的荧光粉排布与LCD的完全不相同,这就使得原本的ClearType的抗锯齿不能很好的发挥作用了,所以你在CRT显示器上使用ClearType效果不是很理想,除非你的是栅罩式的显像管(这与LCD的颜色排列有点相像) 当然,实际上我们也可以专门针对点罩式的显像管设计一个ClearType,来改进显示效果,实际当你设计的时候,你会发现,这要计算一个边缘的最小像素是否显示以及显示的亮度是多少的时候,你会发现很困难,如果你能实现,这带来的运算量也会相当大. 来源:

Making CSS3 @font-face font rendering play nice with ClearType on Windows

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2020-01-10 10:10:17
问题 First some background information. It seems that using the CSS3 @font-face rule can interact in unexpected and undesired ways with ClearType font renderingv in any browser, on any version of Windows (XP and above.) I first documented this as a Google Font Directory bug when I ran into it. Further research seems to yield conflicting information; having ClearType enabled or disabled can either help or hurt how a @font-face font renders in any web browser in Windows. Whether ClearType helps or

Making CSS3 @font-face font rendering play nice with ClearType on Windows

旧街凉风 提交于 2020-01-10 10:09:06
问题 First some background information. It seems that using the CSS3 @font-face rule can interact in unexpected and undesired ways with ClearType font renderingv in any browser, on any version of Windows (XP and above.) I first documented this as a Google Font Directory bug when I ran into it. Further research seems to yield conflicting information; having ClearType enabled or disabled can either help or hurt how a @font-face font renders in any web browser in Windows. Whether ClearType helps or

IE is losing ClearType

不羁岁月 提交于 2020-01-09 07:15:32
问题 I'm experiencing something really strange! I have a div that I'm hiding with JS (jQuery). Like this: $('#myDiv').hide(); Then when I make a fadeIn like this: $("#myDiv").fadeIn('slow'); then the text loses ClearType in IE but not in FF. If I go with toggle insted of fadeIn, then it's all fine. What is IE up to and is there any solutions for it because it looks horrible. (I have ClearType on as you maybe understand at this point) 回答1: A quick search on the subject shows the following: jQuery

Using Internet Explorer filters and ClearType

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2019-12-23 07:39:21
问题 I've read at length about issues with IE disabling ClearType when using filters, and I'm hoping that my conclusions are wrong. It seems that it is impossible to turn ClearType back on after applying a filter (e.g. Shadow or Alpha). Is that so? With every other browser supporting text-shadow now I'd really like to be able to use it, falling back on IE's Shadow or DropShadow filter when necessary. But applying any filter to text makes it look terrible. Is there a way to enable both ClearType

Why does my font look much better in IE9?

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2019-12-17 19:34:18
问题 I use font-family: Myriad; font-size: 40px for some text. I can't believe IE displays the font in the best quality! Much better than Opera, Firefox and Chrome. How can it be? How can I make text look as good in other browsers as in IE? Here is a demo: Try this link in all browsers. IE (the newest version, 9) shows the best and most quality text, doesn't it? 回答1: Simply put: this is because IE9 introduces a new font rendering engine that is based largely on that

ComboBox with Segoe UI and Japanese text

余生颓废 提交于 2019-12-11 02:08:53
问题 I’m currently trying to make my C# application look better when run within Windows Vista or Windows 7. By default, Windows Forms applications use the Microsoft Sans Serif font, which does not link properly to Asian clear type fonts such as Meiryo . To fix this issue, I set all the fonts to Segoe UI (or SystemFonts.MessageBoxFont ) instead. This works quite well for most of Controls, but I noticed it causes weird display glitches with at least the ComboBox control: The ComboBox fails to

Why System.Drawing + ClearType font have ugly black fragments?

空扰寡人 提交于 2019-12-08 03:58:13
问题 I'm using following C# code to make a picture with a text in it // Create font. Parameter is a global variable Font objFont = new Font(fontname, fontsize, fontstyle, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Pixel); // Grab an existing image from picture box. (target is picturebox's name) Bitmap result; if (target.Image != null) { result = new Bitmap(target.Image); } else { result = new Bitmap(target.Width, target.Height); } Graphics objGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(result); // And draw to it. Select a

FlowDocument loses ClearType in child elements when placed in window with custom glass

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2019-12-07 06:27:26
问题 So the new WPF 4 text rendering looks great, but enabling the aero glass effect on a window requires that you change the background to transparent, which of course disables ClearType rendering. Using the provided RenderOptions.ClearTypeHint=Enabled allows you to designate child elements to reenable ClearType rendering from that point in the tree. I've found a few other topics that talk about doing this for the ScrollViewer used internally inside RichTextBox and FlowDocumentScrollViewer, and