Simple CircleCI 2.0 configuration fails for global NPM package installation
I have a Dockerfile that works fine: FROM node:10 RUN npm set unsafe-perm true RUN npm install -g '@oresoftware/r2g@0.0.132' but the same CircleCI config.yml file that mirrors the above Dockerfile does not work: { "version": 2, "jobs": { "build": { "docker": [ { "image": "circleci/node:10" } ], "steps": [ { "run": "npm set unsafe-perm true" }, { "run": "npm install -g --loglevel=warn '@oresoftware/r2g@0.0.132'" } ] } } } I get the following error on CircleCI using the above config.yml file: #!/bin/bash -eo pipefail npm install -g --loglevel=warn @oresoftware/r2g npm WARN checkPermissions