
find location between two other locations

社会主义新天地 提交于 2019-12-12 03:33:20
问题 I am trying trying to find a new location(x,y,z) between two already existing locations (x,y,z). e.g. lets say the distance between locA and locB is 2500. locNew should always be the location with distance 300 and should be on the line of locA and locB. I have no issues finding the midpoint between locA and locB, but I keep banging my head trying to find locNew for this specific situation. I tried this, but it returns a point that is not on the line from locA to locB: locA = {x = 400, y = 400 macro help

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2019-12-11 15:54:01
问题 In OOo Calc I need to copy a column (only the values , not the format) from one sheet to another (in the same worksheet) using a macro assigned to a button. I browsed a bit around but found nothing significant :-( 回答1: To answer the original question: use a data array, which will be significally faster on large ranges of cells Source = ThisWeek.getCellRangeByName("H12:H206") source_data = Source.getDataArray() Target = Steering.getCellRangeByName("M12:AU206").setDataArray(source_data()) 回答2:

ECMAScript 6 入门——前言/简介

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2019-12-11 11:49:05
简介(看看就好,搭配括号理解就行) ECMAScript 6.0(以下简称 ES6)是 JavaScript 语言的下一代标准,已经在 2015 年 6 月正式发布了。它的目标,是使得JavaScript语言可以用来编写复杂的大型应用程序,成为企业级开发语言。 因此,ES6 既是一个历史名词,也是一个泛指,含义是 5.1 版以后的 JavaScript 的下一代标准,涵盖了ES2015、ES2016、ES2017等等,而ES2015则是正式名称,特指该年发布的正式版本的语言标准。本书中提到ES6的地方,一般是指ES2015标准,但有时也是泛指“下一代 JavaScript 语言”。 ECMAScript 和 JavaScript的关系是 前者是后者的规格,后者是前者的一种实现(另外的 ECMAScript 方言还有 JScript 和 ActionScript)。日常场合,这两个词是可以互换的。 各浏览器ES6支持程度 Babel 转码器(如.jsx/.vue转码) Babel 是一个广泛使用的ES6转码器,可以将ES6代码转为ES5代码,从而在现有环境执行。这意味着,你可以用ES6的方式编写程序,又不用担心现有环境是否支持。下面是一个例子。 配置文件.babelrc Babel 的配置文件是

App modeller, Identify button not showing up in blueprism spying

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-12-11 04:15:45
问题 I am creating calculator VBO in blueprism object studio. In application modeller I gave calc.exe path and able to launch calculator, but I am not getting identify option to spy on any element.. In Element, After clicking Launch buttion, identify is appearing for a split of sec and Launch button is coming back instead of Identify PS- As mentioned in videos and links, I have launched calc via application modeller not directly via windows.. I am using windows 10, BluePrism V.

Css3 calc function : issue with mod operator

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-12-10 17:47:54
问题 I'm using : width:calc(100% mod 320); but it always returns the full width of the parent element. Seemingly nothing's wrong with the syntax it looks like a support issue. Tested on chrome 37 and firefox 32.0. Here is a fiddle <div class="mod">test2</div><!-- it should be 100px --> .mod{ width:calc(300px mod 200); } 回答1: 1) It looks like only IE supports the mod operator and it does function as you thought. 2) You need to add px on the units of the modulo (as C-link mentioned) 3) As @Harry

css calc number division

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2019-12-10 17:06:00
问题 If I use a calculator, 2/3 is 0.6666666667 which is about 67% . However if I try to do the same thing with css calc I get an error. width: calc(2 / 3); Is there a working way for this? I don't think it looks that good writing it like 0.666666666667 . Any ideas are welcome. 回答1: The problem is with calc(2 / 3) you will just get a number without an unit. CSS can't display just a number as width. This would be like if you set width: 3 which obviously doesn't work. If you want the percentage you


旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-12-10 16:20:44
[TOC] 第一章:单元测试 1.1 测试分类 黑盒测试,不需要写代码,给输入值,看程序是否能够输出期望的值。 白盒测试,需要写代码的。关注程序具体的执行流程。 利用java中的junit依赖环境是白盒测试的一种方式 1.2 Junit的使用步骤 定义一个测试类(测试用例) 定义测试方法:可以独立运行 给方法加@Test 导入junit依赖环境 判定结果: 红色:失败 绿色:成功 一般我们会使用断言操作来处理结果 Assert.assertEquals(期望的结果,运算的结果) ; Before和After @Before: 修饰的方法会在测试方法之前被自动执行 @After: 修饰的方法会在测试方法执行之后自动被执行 1.3 Junit使用 程序代码 /* * 计算器类 * */ public class Calc { public int add(int num1,int num2){ return num1+num2; } public int subtract(int num1,int num2){ return num1-num2; } public int multi(int num1,int num2){ return num1*num2; } public int div(int num1,int num2){ return num1+num2; } } 测试代码

CSS3 使用 calc() 计算高度 vh px

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2019-12-10 13:43:36
Viewport v iewport:可视窗口,也就是浏览器。 vw Viewport宽度, 1vw 等于viewport宽度的1% vh Viewport高度, 1vh 等于viewport高的的1% CSS3使用Calc calc()使用通用的数学运算规则,但是也提供更智能的功能: 使用“+”、“-”、“*” 和 “/”四则运算; 可以使用百分比、px、em、rem等单位; 可以混合使用各种单位进行计算; 表达式中有“+”和“-”时,其前后必须要有空格,如"widht: calc(12%+5em)"这种没有空格的写法是错误的; 表达式中有“*”和“/”时,其前后可以没有空格,但建议留有空格。 例如 :设置div元素的高度为当前窗口高度-100px div{ height: calc(100vh - 100px); } 来源:

Bring rasters to same extent by filling with NA - in R

╄→尐↘猪︶ㄣ 提交于 2019-12-10 10:28:28
问题 I have several cropped rasters with different geometry/outlines. Specifically spatial yield maps from several years of the same field, but the extent varies - the measurements were not always overall the whole field, but in some years only part of it. I want to calculate a mean value of those maps and combine them into one mean-value-raster. That does mean however, that not for every pixel in let's say 5 layers/rasters there is a value. I could accept these missing values to be NA, so the


为君一笑 提交于 2019-12-10 06:24:44
假设有一个很耗时的运算,单台机器已经没法满足需求,这时你可以想到由多台计算机协作完成。具体怎么做呢。 举个很简单的例子,假设这个耗时的运算是从1加到100000,你现在有两台服务器,可以让这两台服务器分别完成从1加到50000,和从50001加到100000,然后本机完成这两个结果之和。 两台服务器分别启动两个akka Server,同时还有一个CalcActor。这个计算actor接收两个参数:Integer start和Integer end,可以从start一直加到end,最后将结果返回给发送者:getSender().tell(result)。 @Log4j class CalcActor extends UntypedActor { @Override void onReceive(Object message) { log.debug " CalcActor received: ${message}----self:${getSelf()},sender:${getSender()} " if (message instanceof String) { String[] args = message.split(" , ") int start = Integer.parseInt(args[0]) int end = Integer.parseInt(args[1])