
Getting “App did not start (RuntimeError)” when trying to run calabash-android tests on device

十年热恋 提交于 2019-12-04 07:10:14
I'm trying to run an small initial set of calabash-android tests on a Samsung Galaxy S3 connected to a Windows 7 laptop and keep getting an "App did not start (RuntimeError)" when trying to start the test server. I've got Ruby v1.9.3p448, RubyDevKit 4.5.2 (32-bit), Ant 1.9.2, and AnsiCon installed. I've installed calabash-android 0.4.20 and all its dependent gems by typing "gem install calabash-android" at the command prompt. I've created a signed APK using Xamarin Studio and the release keystore. My initial feature set of six steps is parsed correctly when run with the --dry-run flag. When I


天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-12-02 19:30:52
摘要: Calabash-android是支持android的UI自动化测试框架,但不支持多手机同步测试。本文介绍如何利用任务分发系统Gearman的消息同步机制,配合Gearman实现多手机同步测试机制。 背景介绍 Calabash-android是支持android的UI自动化测试框架。 Gearman是一个分发任务的程序框架,可以用在各种场合,与Hadoop相比,Gearman更偏向于任务分发功能。它的 任务分布非常 简单,简单得可以只需要用脚本即可完成。 Ubuntu上安装Gearman $ sudo apt-get install gearman-job-server $ gearmand -V gearmand 1.0.6 - $ sudo apt-get install gearman-tools $ gearman -H 启动gearman job server,作为后台服务运行: $ sudo gearmand -d 多手机同步测试举例 假设要测试微信的发送消息功能,calabash的测试用例可以按如下方式撰写: AA-send-message


和自甴很熟 提交于 2019-12-02 19:30:37
Calabash-android是支持android的UI自动化测试框架,网上看见很多同学说,安装calabash比较费劲,特别是Windows下安装,也没有一个详细的安装手册可供参考。正好,今天在Windows 7 上安装calabash-android成功,忍不住要分享一下。 我为什么要特别在标题中指出中文Win7? 因为我第一次在英文Win7下没碰到任何问题,第二次在中文Win7下安装碰到两个大问题,但都被我求助百度解决了。 第一个问题:中文Win7下不认识手机设备,第一台英文Win7下已经有人安装了豌豆荚。 第二个问题:中文Win7下运行calabash-android,报GBK错误。 calabash简介: Calabash-android是支持android的UI自动化测试框架,PC端使用了cucumber框架,通过http和json与模拟器和真机上安装的测试apk通信,测试apk调用robotium的方法来进行UI自动化测试,支持webview操作。 安装calabash-android测试环境 安装ruby1.9.3 calabash-android 的git网址: 进入Installation:


跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-02 18:28:44
Calabash-android是支持android的UI自动化测试框架,前面已经介绍过《 中文Win7下成功安装calabash-android步骤 》,这篇博文尝试测试一个真实应用:开源中国客户端。目的是和大家一起学习calabash测试工具。 测试环境与源码准备 先介绍一下 oschina除了有网站,还有三大平台手机客户端: 客户端已经开源! 那么开源可以用来做什么呢? 我正在学用calabash-android,得找到一个合适的待测app,平时手机上开源中国这个app用的蛮顺手了,所以就选它了,在此特别向开源中国的开发工程师致谢! 环境准备:ADT+calabash-android 可以参考: 中文Win7下成功安装calabash-android步骤 下载oschina/android-app源代码 首先到 , 以下两种下载源代码方式的方式都可以: 可以直接点击”下载zip“ 复制git仓库url: ,然后在Eclipse/ADT中打开Windows > Open

Best way to turn airplane mode on and off with Calabash

笑着哭i 提交于 2019-12-02 17:40:31
问题 What is the best way to turn airplane mode on and off using calabash-android? Can I use perform_action('set_preferences', .... ) ?? What does set_preferences do above? I would like to set up android settings during test of application. Thanks 回答1: Your question is a bit vague. Is it for simulator or device? In case you just need to disable wifi, you could use def disable_network %x(adb shell svc wifi disable) end def enable_network %x(adb shell svc wifi enable) end Found here https:/

Best way to turn airplane mode on and off with Calabash

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-12-02 10:13:59
What is the best way to turn airplane mode on and off using calabash-android? Can I use perform_action('set_preferences', .... ) ?? What does set_preferences do above? I would like to set up android settings during test of application. Thanks Your question is a bit vague. Is it for simulator or device? In case you just need to disable wifi, you could use def disable_network %x(adb shell svc wifi disable) end def enable_network %x(adb shell svc wifi enable) end Found here I have not tried it myself though. For

Calabash Android: how to send app to the background (simulate device/hardware Home button)?

别来无恙 提交于 2019-12-02 08:56:52
Is there a way in Calabash Android where I can send my app to the background? In other words, simulate the device/hardware Home button? Secondly, can the app be brought back into the foreground? This can be done in the following way: Then /^I go home$/ do system "#{default_device.adb_command} shell input keyevent KEYCODE_HOME" end P.S. You can also add sleep <some_value_in_seconds> if necessary, after system "..." line. As far as I know, that action does not currently exist. You can find (mostly) all of the available operations here

Can't update calabash server version

99封情书 提交于 2019-12-02 02:20:57
Having a problem updating the Calabash server version. The problem is that I can run basic tests that check for elements... However, once I try to "touch" buttons calabash returns RuntimeError: Could not parse response ''; the app has probably crashed The origin of the problem, I believe, is that my server version is old/incompatible. Not rocket science: WARN: The server version is not compatible with gem version. Please update your server. gem version: '0.14.3' min server version: '0.14.3' server version: '0.9

移动应用测试框架—Calabash Android 简介

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2019-12-01 21:33:45
  什么是 Calabash?    Calabash 是一个 自动化测试 框架,它可以 测试 ?android ?和 iOS 原生应用和混合应用。    它有:    calabash-android    calabash-ios    主页:?    Calabash-android介绍    Calabash-android 是支持 android 的 UI 自动化测试 框架,PC 端使用了 cucumber 框架,通过 http 和 json 与模拟器和真机上安装的 测试 apk 通信, 测试 apk 调用 Robotium 的方法来进行 UI 自动化测试 ,支持 webview 操作。    Calabash-android 架构图   Features —— 这里的 feature 就是 cucumber 的 feature,用来描述 user stories 。    Step Definitions —— Calabash Android 事先已经定义了一些通用的 step。你可以根据自己的需求,定义更加复杂的步骤。    Your app —— 测试 之前,你不必对你的应用修改。(这里其实是有问题,后面我们会说到。)    Instrumentation Test Server —— 这是一个应用,在运行 测试

Install Calabash-Android causes error on OS X Mavericks

廉价感情. 提交于 2019-12-01 06:34:32
Hi guys/rubyists out there, I need some help with trying to install Calabash-Android. After installing rvm, home-brew, when I install Calabash i get a strange error: sudo gem install calabash-android Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installing calabash-android: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/bin/ruby extconf.rb checking for main() in -lc... yes creating Makefile make "DESTDIR=" compiling gherkin_lexer_ar.c ragel/i18n/ar.c.rl:440:1: warning: control may reach end of non-void function [-