Calabash Android: how to send app to the background (simulate device/hardware Home button)?

别来无恙 提交于 2019-12-02 08:56:52

This can be done in the following way:

Then /^I go home$/ do
  system "#{default_device.adb_command} shell input keyevent KEYCODE_HOME"

P.S. You can also add sleep <some_value_in_seconds> if necessary, after system "..." line.

As far as I know, that action does not currently exist. You can find (mostly) all of the available operations here Most of the interesting options are in the operations.rb file. The performAction method would be the method most likely to help you as it has a 'go_back' and 'press_menu' feature, but currently no 'go_home' feature. When you're in a calabsh console, you can type performAction 'list_actions' to see all possible actions. I'm not sure if it's a reasonable workaround, but you could try something like this:

until (query "*").empty? do
  performAction 'go_back'

This will sipmly press the back button until you've arrived on the home screen. If you'd like to get back to your app, however, you'd need to re-run start_test_server_in_background as you will not be able to get any query information from the home screen. Anyways, good luck and I hope I could help out at least a little!
