
Install Calabash-Android causes error on OS X Mavericks

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-12-01 03:38:04
问题 Hi guys/rubyists out there, I need some help with trying to install Calabash-Android. After installing rvm, home-brew, when I install Calabash i get a strange error: sudo gem install calabash-android Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installing calabash-android: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.0/usr/bin/ruby extconf.rb checking for main() in -lc... yes creating Makefile make "DESTDIR="

XSLT with XProc - parameter binding in the required type

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2019-12-01 00:30:53
I'm trying to translate my batch file calling the Saxon (version 8.9) into a XProc pipeline (Calabash). This is my batch call: java -jar saxon8.jar -o out.xml in.xml style.xsl +config=config-file.cfg The parameter config is defined in the stylesheet in this way: <xsl:param name="config" as="document-node()"/> The XProc part looks like this: <p:load name="configLoad"> <p:with-option name="href" select="'config-file.cfg'"/> </p:load> <p:xslt name="config"> <p:input port="source"> <p:document href="in.xml"/> </p:input> <p:input port="parameters"> <p:inline> <c:param name="config"> <p:pipe port=


巧了我就是萌 提交于 2019-11-30 23:05:27
摘要 :使用任务分发系统Gearman分布式执行Calabash的自动化测试用例,可以达到并行测试手机APP的目的。 背景介绍 Gearman Gearman是一个分发任务的程序框架,可以用在各种场合,与Hadoop相比,Gearman更偏向于任务分发功能。它的 任务分布非常简单,简单得可以只需要用脚本即可完成。 Calabash Calabash-android是支持android的UI自动化测试框架,PC端使用了cucumber框架,通过http和json与模拟器和真机上安装的测试apk通信,测试apk调用robotium的方法来进行UI自动化测试,支持webview操作。 calabash脚本以 使用calabash测试开源中国Android客户端 为例。 Gearman安装和执行测试 Ubuntu上安装Gearman $ sudo apt-get install gearman-job-server $ gearmand -V gearmand 1.0.6 - $ sudo apt-get install gearman-tools $ gearman -H 运行Gearman并发执行Calabash测试用例 启动gearman job server,作为后台服务运行: $ gearmand -d

XSLT with XProc - parameter binding in the required type

一笑奈何 提交于 2019-11-30 19:27:21
问题 I'm trying to translate my batch file calling the Saxon (version 8.9) into a XProc pipeline (Calabash). This is my batch call: java -jar saxon8.jar -o out.xml in.xml style.xsl +config=config-file.cfg The parameter config is defined in the stylesheet in this way: <xsl:param name="config" as="document-node()"/> The XProc part looks like this: <p:load name="configLoad"> <p:with-option name="href" select="'config-file.cfg'"/> </p:load> <p:xslt name="config"> <p:input port="source"> <p:document

calabash-android - What does resign do?

南楼画角 提交于 2019-11-29 12:08:01
I am new to using calabash-android to test Android applications. What does the calabash-android resign name-of-my.apk do? Thanks The resign is used if you need to sign the app to match your keystore. Copied from GitHub docs Instead of resigning you could also consider copying your debug keystore to your folder. The apk calabash android runs must be signed with the same keystore as the test-server. Use the command: calabash-android resign to resign your application. Building the test-server using calabash-android build

Calabash handling “Complete action using” dialog

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2019-11-29 12:03:05
I want to test sharing functionality of an app but I have no idea how to handle android dialog "Complete action using" (Facebook, Gmail etc.) When I use query("*") it is returning an empty set of fields. Is there any way to handle such system dialogs using Calabash or any other way to test such functionality as sharing? I am running my tests on physical device. Edit: If there is no way to check whether the dialog has been opened or not, then maybe it is possible using adb shell or something like that? alannichols It's not a very elegant solution but you can simulate screen touches using adb.

Reset iOS app in calabash-ios

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2019-11-29 11:01:44
How to change code in hooks to reset (iOS) app at specific scenario ? means only to those scenario where tags mention as @reset UPDATED for Calabash 0.17 and run-loop 2.0.2 This project contains an example of how to use Cucumber tags and Before hooks to re-install apps and clear application data on simulators and devices. In particular, see these two files: ideviceinstaller wrapper support/01_launch.rb I won't reproduce the entire 01_launch.rb example here, but here are the hooks:

Calabash handling “Complete action using” dialog

孤人 提交于 2019-11-28 05:48:23
问题 I want to test sharing functionality of an app but I have no idea how to handle android dialog "Complete action using" (Facebook, Gmail etc.) When I use query("*") it is returning an empty set of fields. Is there any way to handle such system dialogs using Calabash or any other way to test such functionality as sharing? I am running my tests on physical device. Edit: If there is no way to check whether the dialog has been opened or not, then maybe it is possible using adb shell or something

Reset iOS app in calabash-ios

故事扮演 提交于 2019-11-28 04:37:30
问题 How to change code in hooks to reset (iOS) app at specific scenario ? means only to those scenario where tags mention as @reset 回答1: UPDATED for Calabash 0.17 and run-loop 2.0.2 This project contains an example of how to use Cucumber tags and Before hooks to re-install apps and clear application data on simulators and devices. In particular, see these two files: ideviceinstaller

How do you capture requirements with declarative acceptance tests?

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-11-27 15:21:08
问题 Background I am trying to help my team organize for a new mobile app project. We have chosen to follow BDD (see also BDD definition) in order to capture plain English requirements that form a contract between stakeholders and developers for each individual user story. We use the acceptance tests to document each user story's requirements. Acceptance tests are written before sprint planning. Developers refine and add to the tests during sprint planning. We define Acceptance Criteria as a list