How can I pin a version of a Haskell dependency to a version of an underlying native dependency with Cabal?
In my particuar case, I have a dependency in my Cabal file on the Haskell package bindings-libzip . In particular, I could accept several different versions of libzip , e.g. bindings-libzip-0.11 or bindings-libzip-0.10 . These in turn have a dependency on the respective native C libzip libraries versions 0.11 and 0.10 . Therefore I have bindings-libzip >= 0.10 < 0.12 in my .cabal file. The Haskell package bindings-libzip-x specifies with PkgConfig-Depends that libzip version x must be present on a client machine. Let's say a downstream user has version 0.10 of libzip installed. However, when