
Azure Blob video is not streaming

自作多情 提交于 2021-02-20 03:35:06
问题 I'm trying to stream my videos from Azure blob, but its not working actually. I checked through different sources and found something interesting to update the x-ms-version . But before doing that I checked it in cloudberry explorer, it says as below. But in browser it says x-ms-version as 2009 like below Anyway I tried updating the x-ms-version using setBlobProperties (Azure PHP SDK) but still its not updating. Am I missing something here? 回答1: Do you have access set to all on your blob

How to run azure media player on android

喜欢而已 提交于 2021-02-11 14:31:52
问题 I have a requirement to integrate azure media player in an android app. All I can see in the documentation is sample and information on how to add this in an HTML file. I have a "...mainfest" file, and I need to play it from the android app. I need to know if there is any SDK available for android, or do i need to host a page on server, which can play these videos? Edited I checked sample player here, when I pass my video URL to it, it loads video fine with or without "(format=m3u8-aapl-v3)"

How to create Azure Mgmt serializer/deserializer parameters?

安稳与你 提交于 2021-02-10 11:50:42
问题 I can see in both the latest azure-mgmt-media & storage sdk's for Python the user is expected to pass in 2 args for Serializer/Deserializer. I've got very little Python experience and I can't figure out how to create these objects. I can't find ANY media examples and no storage examples with the latest signature (3-01-18). I just want to create a media service asset and I don't know why I'd need to pass these args since I'm using standard SDK types. Can anyone point me to some examples of

How to create Azure Mgmt serializer/deserializer parameters?

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2021-02-10 11:45:30
问题 I can see in both the latest azure-mgmt-media & storage sdk's for Python the user is expected to pass in 2 args for Serializer/Deserializer. I've got very little Python experience and I can't figure out how to create these objects. I can't find ANY media examples and no storage examples with the latest signature (3-01-18). I just want to create a media service asset and I don't know why I'd need to pass these args since I'm using standard SDK types. Can anyone point me to some examples of

How to implement Captioning in Azure Media services V3?

廉价感情. 提交于 2021-02-09 07:30:50
问题 How to complete captioning in azure media service 3by using .net SDK I am using Azure Media Services v3 tutorials ( but missing How to update a video caption file(vtt file) into a media service asset by using .net SDK. Can some body help me on same. 回答1: You would simply treat the caption file the same way as you would a video that you upload. The only difference is that the caption file would be put into an asset that

Azure Media Services (v3) - specific output asset container name

血红的双手。 提交于 2021-02-08 06:10:52
问题 I have a program similar to AMSV3Quickstarts example and I need to change the default name for container for the output asset in accordance with my program logic/contract. Is it possible to change the output asset container name somehow? What I tried: RTFM Change the transform job name Change the locator name Change the output asset name However, in my blob storage, it is still in asset-{GUID} format. 回答1: When using the REST API for Create Asset you are able to set the container name: https:

How to integrate Azure media player in android

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2021-02-05 05:42:09
问题 I have a manifest streaming url which I have to play. How can I integrate azure media player in android to play the streaming video? 回答1: I have found another work around to play manifest url. By just concatenate "(format=m3u8-aapl-v3)" at the end of the url, you can play this url with any video player. 回答2: Please check . blog post "Shows you how to generate Http Live Streaming (HLS) version 3 via Azure Media Services, which

Azure Media Services Flutter

点点圈 提交于 2021-01-29 19:00:48
问题 I have a azure media services url like so: But when I try and play this on android I get the following error (also happens with dash url): None of the available extractors (MatroskaExtractor, FragmentedMp4Extractor, Mp4Extractor, Mp3Extractor, AdtsExtractor, Ac3Extractor, TsExtractor,

Azure Media Services v3 shared access policy for download link

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2021-01-29 09:16:58
问题 How to secure download links created via Azure Media Services transformation job (and locator)? I'm aware of using AES or DRM encryption for video streams created by Azure Media Services, however, I haven't found any info on how to secure download links. I'm getting my download paths for my streaming locator like: var locator = new StreamingLocator { AssetName = assetName, StreamingPolicyName = PredefinedStreamingPolicy.DownloadAndClearStreaming }; ListPathsResponse paths = await client

Nginx RTMP streaming is not reaching the RTMP endpoint

风格不统一 提交于 2021-01-28 23:32:21
问题 I'm trying to redirect an RTMP streaming from my pc into Ngninx using the nginx-rtmp-module following the examples to redirect the stream into an Azure Media Service live event. But it won't detect the encoder. I'm using the following nginx.conf: events {} rtmp { server { listen 1935; chunk_size 4096; application live { live on; record off; push rtmp://; } } } My OBS is configured to stream to rtmp:// with a stream key