Azure Media Services (v3) - specific output asset container name

血红的双手。 提交于 2021-02-08 06:10:52


I have a program similar to AMSV3Quickstarts example and I need to change the default name for container for the output asset in accordance with my program logic/contract. Is it possible to change the output asset container name somehow?

What I tried:

  • RTFM
  • Change the transform job name
  • Change the locator name
  • Change the output asset name

However, in my blob storage, it is still in asset-{GUID} format.


When using the REST API for Create Asset you are able to set the container name:{{api-version}}

  "properties": {
    "description": "A documentary showing the ascent of Mount Logan",
    "alternateId": "(Optional) some GUID",
    "storageAccountName": "(Optional) someStorageAccount",
    "container": "(Optional) custom container name if you want"

When using the .NET SDK, the Asset model contains the same parameters:


Thank you for your really quick answer! You are right, working like a charm. I really appreciate your answer.

For the future me (and others) this is the working code:

        private static async Task<Asset> CreateOutputAssetAsync(IAzureMediaServicesClient client, string resourceGroupName, string accountName, string assetName)
            Asset asset = new Asset();
            asset.Container = "mycustomnameformycontainer";
            string outputAssetName = assetName;

            return await client.Assets.CreateOrUpdateAsync(resourceGroupName, accountName, outputAssetName, asset);

