I have a azure media services url like so: https://amssamples.streaming.mediaservices.windows.net/3b970ae0-39d5-44bd-b3a3-3136143d6435/AzureMediaServicesPromo.ism/manifest
But when I try and play this on android I get the following error (also happens with dash url):
com.google.android.exoplayer2.source.UnrecognizedInputFormatException: None of the available extractors (MatroskaExtractor, FragmentedMp4Extractor, Mp4Extractor, Mp3Extractor, AdtsExtractor, Ac3Extractor, TsExtractor, FlvExtractor, OggExtractor, PsExtractor, WavExtractor, AmrExtractor) could read the stream.
Does anyone know how to get smooth stream video to play in flutter? (The current state of video playback is really weak and I can't find any samples of smooth streaming but it says that it's exoplayer on android which should work)
Presume you have seen this article already. Can you please try with HLS?