
What is the best way to transfer all my Visual Studio projects to svn?

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-12-10 11:46:15
问题 Until now there is a disk folder named DEVELOPMENT. This folder includes a top level folder named _LIB where the common libraries and layers (DAL projects, Business Layer projects e.t.c) are included. There is also a RESOURCES folder where i have some common bitmaps that i use (mostly). Aside to this _LIB folder there are folders that resemble the various domains of our business. The domain projects follow the reference _LIB projects than reference the compiled dlls. I need to transfer them

When you move files around in Visual Studio will Ankh SVN turn that into a SVN move?

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2019-12-10 04:37:01
问题 I would like to move some files around in Visual Studio. But I see Ankh is treating that as new files and delete in the changes list. Is the equivalent to SVN move? I don't want to loose the history for those files. 回答1: It should treat a move as a copy and delete. This would be equivalent to the way SVN handles moves. Check to see if it truly thinks it's a new file, or if it thinks it's a copied file. There should be an option when viewing the file's history to view the history as it

Source Control with Visual Studio: switch from VisualSVN to Ankh?

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2019-12-10 02:36:45
问题 I am evaluating VisualSVN for me and a small team of developers. I set it up on the server (VisualSVN server) without problems and installed TortoiseSVN and VisualSVN in order to integrate it in Visual Studio 2008. So far, it works well and we use it for the development of our main application. I've heard good things about the new version of AnkhSVN too, which is open source and free. Since we are at the beginning with Subversion, I want to make the right decision now. Is it possible to

How do I svn:ignore with AnkhSVN?

蓝咒 提交于 2019-12-10 02:06:05
问题 I am so unbelievably retarded when it comes to Subversion/AnkhSVN. I just don't get it at all. Anytime I do anything outside of updating and committing, everything blows up in my face. These are my beliefs (which must be incorrect because i can't get Ankh to ignore anything) svn:ignore is a tool to make your Subversion client always leave certain files or directories OUT of update and commit lists. So, whenever you change any file that's being ignored, Ankh will never try to commit the change

Working with Subversion the same as with Visual Source Safe in Visual Studio

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2019-12-08 17:01:03
问题 At work I just started using Subversion with AnkhSVN instead of Visual Source Safe. I managed to integrate it well enough but it doesn't seem the same. Using VSS the following would happen: A user check out a file by right clicking and selecting "check out" or by editing it. If another user tried to modify the same file he would get an error. No 2 users could edit the same file at the same time. No fancy merging. No conflicts and no conflict resolutions. I understand the the philosophy behind

I cannot see the .SVN folders anymore?

允我心安 提交于 2019-12-08 14:54:11
问题 I recently upgraded my tortoise to version 1.7. It's been a while now I cannot see the .svn folders. I used to copy folders to replicate some code, enter the folder and delete the .svn of the copied version so that it considers the code as new. I cannot do this anymore :( Anyone knows what is going on? 回答1: Subversion 1.7 switched to a single-folder structure, like many DVCSes (git, bazaar, etc.) - the only .svn folder is in the root folder now, and this contains all of the info for the

AnkhSVN stopped working in Visual Studio 2019

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2019-12-08 02:39:32
问题 The past months I have successfully been using the AnkhSVN extension in Visual Studio 2019. Yesterday the extension stopped working properly. It is still tracking which files are changed, but the Pending changes pane is not showing any content. The file list and the comment box are transparent. Show changes is working, View history has the same problem as Pending changes: a transparent pane. I uninstalled the extension, downloaded it again, applied the changes as described in Installation of


跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-07 10:59:02
给大家介绍一些SVN的入门知识!希望对大家的学习起到作用! 关于SVN与CVS的相关知识,大家可以自己去google一下。 一、准备 SVN是一个开源的版本控制系统,它可以记录所有的文件修改版本。CVS也是一个版本控制系统,可是现在大家更多的是用SVN,因为SVN不但继承了CVS的优点,而且还有许多的功能是CVS所不具备的。可以肯定,SVN会成为CVS的替代系统。 我们还需要安装一个客户端软件——TortoiseSVN,tortoiseSVN 只是svn 的一个图形化的操作界面, 有了这两个,就可以建立起强大的svn 服务器了。但是如果想通过http 的方式访问,则需要使用apache2.2.x,并将svn 的一些模块集成进去。ankhSVN 则可以实现SVN+Visual Studio 的远 程代码管理。 TortoiseSVN官网下载地址: Subversion官网下载地址(现在的最新版本是到了1.7.4了) : 大家也可以留言,我会把setup发给大家。 二、使用ankhSVN 在大家安装好了SVN的服务器端和客户端之后(也可以只安装客户端,通过远程访问服务器端)。首先是要在服务器端建立一个“仓库”,用来存在我们要开发的项目。 具体步骤: 1

How can I change the SVN URL in Visual Studio

亡梦爱人 提交于 2019-12-07 06:20:11
问题 In my office, I have a working repository, where I am able to work on my laptop to modify files and commit them to that repository. I am using a local URL for this, which points directly to the PC containing the repository. Additionally, we published this repository for external users as well, so they are able to make changes to the repository without being on our local network. All is working fine there. However, my laptop which normally using the local connection, now needs to be moved to

Understanding branch use with Visual Studio 2010, AnkhSVN, and SVN 1.7.4

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2019-12-07 04:07:06
问题 I am a complete newb to Subversion, but am trying to get past the frightening shadow of SourceSafe. So I'm learning, trying to teach myself what's what, and I've come across some roadblocks I don't quite understand yet. SVN 1.7.3 is up and running on a local Linux box. AnkhSVN is installed within my VS 2010 setup. VS/AnkhSVN can talk to my repository. So I started experimenting with some very simple Console projects to get started. I created the trunk, branches, and tags directories as