I cannot see the .SVN folders anymore?

允我心安 提交于 2019-12-08 14:54:11


I recently upgraded my tortoise to version 1.7. It's been a while now I cannot see the .svn folders. I used to copy folders to replicate some code, enter the folder and delete the .svn of the copied version so that it considers the code as new. I cannot do this anymore :(

Anyone knows what is going on?


Subversion 1.7 switched to a single-folder structure, like many DVCSes (git, bazaar, etc.) - the only .svn folder is in the root folder now, and this contains all of the info for the checkout.

You should now be able to simply copy the folder and check it in.


They have been moved from being inside each subfolder of your working copy, and now are all in one place.


Like @Anders said, the new version of SVN 1.7 gets rid of individual .svn folders within each directory. Now, the head node contains ./svn along with a subdirectory named pristine that contains the original svn copy of all those files/directories. This makes it a lot nicer to copy from project1 to project2 without having to run special scripts to remove all those remnant .svn folders.


You can try exporting. It usually removes all .svn files and you can create a fresh project everytime with the exported code..!

