
Can You Use AnkhSVN and VisualSVN at the Same Time?

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2019-12-07 02:13:23
问题 I'd like to try out a feature of AnkhSVN (namely, integration with Red Gate SQL Changeset tool) without doing an complete uninstall of VisualSVN. It feels dodgy, so I wanted to see if anyone else had experience that would either alleviate or confirm my fears. Update So I tried uninstalling VisualSVN and dropping in Ankh. As far as working within VSS itself, the change was completely transparent. Sadly, SQLChangeset did not work with this plugin, so that part of it was in vain. Switching back

Add NuGet Packages Folder to Solution File?

走远了吗. 提交于 2019-12-06 18:12:22
问题 Nuget puts the package in my root folder(in my case my trunk folder). I am wondering is there a way to let VS 2010 know about this folder? I am using ankh svn to do my commuting so it would be really nice to have it in my solution so when I add a reference I can commit it from VS 2010 and not have to go to my trunk and manually do it. Can this be done? 回答1: The easiest way to do this currently is by using the Working Copy Explorer (View -> Working Copy Explorer). From here you can browse your

AnkhSVN Commits Are Very Slow

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2019-12-06 11:06:39
Recently, I had to move my SVN repositories to a different server, but I am experiencing some performance problems since the move. I am using Visual Studio 2005, AnkhSVN 2.1.7819.411 and TortoiseSVN 1.6.6 on my workstation and VisualSVN Server on the server which runs Windows Server 2008. Whenever I try to commit a file or view the file history in Visual Studio it takes twenty odd seconds. I confirmed that an exception has been made for VisualSVN Server on the server's firewall, but when I disable the server's firewall the performance is back to normal (1-2 seconds for a commit). When I do a

AnkhSVN: How to add files not under Solution to SVN? (VS 2010)

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-12-05 23:05:29
问题 just changed over form visualsvn to AnkhSVN. Loving it... but i need to add files and directory that are on my disk to SVN ... but the files and directory are not part the solutions (Vs2010) ... Its basically i directory where i store some dlls but if the directory is not present then i have missing references. Is this possible? 回答1: Not from Ankh AFAIK. Get them in through Tortoise or the command line and you should be fine. 回答2: You can either use "Show all files" in the solution explorer

How do you exclude .svn directories from search in Visual Studio?

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-12-05 11:25:00
I have to "look in:" a subfolder of the project because the entire project is very large and takes too long to search through. I also have AnkhSVN installed and wonder if a setting in the plugin could help too. If you use "Find in files" instead of the standard search, you can search a subfolder for file types you specify. However, it's a lot easier to perform this kind of task using the Ultrafind add-on ( which you can use to exclude specific file patterns. Sadly, it seems that despite all the wonderful

Understanding branch use with Visual Studio 2010, AnkhSVN, and SVN 1.7.4

旧街凉风 提交于 2019-12-05 10:21:57
I am a complete newb to Subversion, but am trying to get past the frightening shadow of SourceSafe. So I'm learning, trying to teach myself what's what, and I've come across some roadblocks I don't quite understand yet. SVN 1.7.3 is up and running on a local Linux box. AnkhSVN is installed within my VS 2010 setup. VS/AnkhSVN can talk to my repository. So I started experimenting with some very simple Console projects to get started. I created the trunk, branches, and tags directories as suggested in the guidance I've found so far. I created a new Console solution, and allowed Ankh to create

Can You Use AnkhSVN and VisualSVN at the Same Time?

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2019-12-05 07:56:19
I'd like to try out a feature of AnkhSVN (namely, integration with Red Gate SQL Changeset tool) without doing an complete uninstall of VisualSVN. It feels dodgy, so I wanted to see if anyone else had experience that would either alleviate or confirm my fears. Update So I tried uninstalling VisualSVN and dropping in Ankh. As far as working within VSS itself, the change was completely transparent. Sadly, SQLChangeset did not work with this plugin, so that part of it was in vain. Switching back was also painless, even to the point of not having to re-enter my license. So, good knowledge but no

When you move files around in Visual Studio will Ankh SVN turn that into a SVN move?

心已入冬 提交于 2019-12-05 06:36:13
I would like to move some files around in Visual Studio. But I see Ankh is treating that as new files and delete in the changes list. Is the equivalent to SVN move? I don't want to loose the history for those files. It should treat a move as a copy and delete. This would be equivalent to the way SVN handles moves. Check to see if it truly thinks it's a new file, or if it thinks it's a copied file. There should be an option when viewing the file's history to view the history as it persists through copies. 来源:

AnkhSVN not showing in Visual Studio 2017

半世苍凉 提交于 2019-12-05 04:00:00
I cannot see AnkhSVN as an option under "Tools - Options - Source Control" in Visual Studio 2017. I have uninstalled and reinstalled AnkhSVN, but no effect. Is there a way to fix this? I came here looking for an answer to the same question. I am Running Windows 10 Enterprise and had VS2015 with AnkhSVN working before and after installing VS2017, but in VS2017 AnkhSVN was not available under SCC Plug-In Selection (even after uninstall and reinstall of the install executables downloaded from , which offer registration against VS Dev15/2017). This is what eventually

Source Control with Visual Studio: switch from VisualSVN to Ankh?

前提是你 提交于 2019-12-05 02:53:23
I am evaluating VisualSVN for me and a small team of developers. I set it up on the server (VisualSVN server) without problems and installed TortoiseSVN and VisualSVN in order to integrate it in Visual Studio 2008. So far, it works well and we use it for the development of our main application. I've heard good things about the new version of AnkhSVN too, which is open source and free. Since we are at the beginning with Subversion, I want to make the right decision now. Is it possible to switch from VisualSVN to AnkhSVN without too many hassles ? Can I keep the VisualSVN Server installation or