Powershell: Get FQDN Hostname

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 02:45:02


I want to retrieve the FQDN name of windows server via powershell script. I have found 2 solution so far:

$server =  Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {hostname} 

Above line will print just the short name of the server

$sysinfo = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem $server = “{0}.{1}” -f $sysinfo.Name, $sysinfo.Domain 

Above two line will get me the FQDN but this looks really nasty code to retrieve just the hostname :(

So, My question is, is there an easier way to get the FQDN in powershell. I am a bash/perl coder and recently picked up powershell.. so finding it difficult.



How about: "$env:computername.$env:userdnsdomain"

This actually only works if the user is logged into a domain (i.e. no local accounts), logged into the same domain as the server, and doesn't work with disjointed name space AD configurations.

Use this as referenced in another answer:

$myFQDN=(Get-WmiObject win32_computersystem).DNSHostName+"."+(Get-WmiObject win32_computersystem).Domain 

Write-Host $myFQDN


To get FQDN of local computer:



[System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName(($env:computerName)) | FL HostName | Out-String | %{ "{0}" -f $_.Split(':')[1].Trim() }; 

To get FQDN of Remote computer:



For better formatted value use:

[System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName("mytestpc1")  | FL HostName | Out-String | %{ "{0}" -f $_.Split(':')[1].Trim() }; 
  • For remote machines make sure host is reachable.


Local Computer FQDN via dotNet class





Dns Methods (System.Net)

note: GetHostByName method is obsolete

Local computer FQDN via WMI query

$myFQDN=(Get-WmiObject win32_computersystem).DNSHostName+"."+(Get-WmiObject win32_computersystem).Domain Write-Host $myFQDN 


Win32_ComputerSystem class



$env:computerName returns NetBIOS name of the host, so that both previous examples return netbioshostname.domainsuffix (not FQDN!) instead of dnshostname.domainsuffix (FQDN)

for example, host has FQDN aa-w2k12sv-storage.something.com and NetBIOS name aa-w2k12sv-stor (an easy case, I usually change NetBIOS name)

the hostname utility returns dnshostname, i.e., the first part of FQDN and code


returns the right FQDN

Comment: never use the same NetBIOS and DNS names of AD domains and hosts. If your or 3rd party application writes to the log: "cannot connect to hostname.domainsuffix", what name it tries to resolve? If you see in the log "cannot connect to netbiosname.domainsuffix", no doubt, a lazy programmer added domain suffix to the NetBIOS name and you are sure, this is a bug, and can open a ticket to force them to fix the issue...


I use the following syntax :

$Domain=[System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName($VM).Hostname.split('.') $Domain=$Domain[1]+'.'+$Domain[2] 

it does not matter if the $VM is up or down...



will work if separated out like this



How about this

$FQDN=[System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName($VM).Hostname.Split('.') [int]$i = 1 [int]$x = 0 [string]$Domain = $null do {     $x = $i-$FQDN.Count     $Domain = $Domain+$FQDN[$x]+"."     $i = $i + 1 } until ( $i -eq $FQDN.Count ) $Domain = $Domain.TrimEnd(".") 


Here is a way to determine the FQDN of a server based on the "Name" and "DistinguishedName". Works for multiple domains:

$server = Get-ADComputer serverName -Server domainName -Properties * | select Name, DistinguishedName $domain = $server.DistinguishedName -split "," $domain = $domain | ? {$_ -like 'DC=*'} $domain = $domain -join "." $domain = $domain -replace "DC=" $FQDN = $server.Name + "." + $domain 


I have the following add.. I need to separate out the dns suffix from the hostname.. and I only "know" the servers alias shortname... and want to know what the dns suffix is

#example: #serveralias:     MyAppServer.us.fred.com #actualhostname:  server01.us.fred.com  #I "know":        "MyAppServer" .. I pass this on as an env var called myjumpbox .. this could also be $env:computername   $forname                 = $env:myjumpbox $fqdn                    = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName($forname).Hostname $shortname               = $fqdn.split('.')[0] $domainname              = $fqdn -split $fqdn.split('.')[0]+"." $dnssuf                  = $domainname[1]   " name parts are- alias: " + $forname + " actual hostname: " + $shortname + " suffix: " + $dnssuf  #returns  name parts are- alias: MyAppServer actual hostname: server01 suffix: us.fred.com 
