hidden symbol '__aeabi_atexit' , is referenced by DSO ./obj../libcufft.so

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 02:29:01


I have posted a qustion "CUDA CUFFT on Shield Tablet", when I followed the suggestions, the errors are gone. But there is a warning called hidden symbol '__aeabi_atexit' , is referenced by DSO ./obj../libcufft.so. I googled it,it seems no good solution about this problem.

Could anyone please help me and point me to right direction?

Thanks a lot!

Here is the content of Android.mk file ' LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)

 include $(CLEAR_VARS)  LOCAL_MODULE := lib_boxfilter  LOCAL_SRC_FILES := ../cuda/lib_boxfilter.a  include $(PREBUILT_STATIC_LIBRARY)   include $(CLEAR_VARS)  LOCAL_MODULE := libcudart_static  LOCAL_LIB_PATH   += $(CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT)/targets/armv7-linux-  androideabi/lib/  LOCAL_SRC_FILES  := $(LOCAL_LIB_PATH)/libcudart_static.a   include $(PREBUILT_STATIC_LIBRARY)   include $(CLEAR_VARS)  LOCAL_MODULE := libcufft  LOCAL_SRC_FILES := libcufft.so  include $(PREBUILT_SHARED_LIBRARY)   include $(CLEAR_VARS)  LOCAL_MODULE := boxfilter   NVPACK := $(NDK_ROOT)/..  BOX_FILTER_ROOT := $(LOCAL_PATH)/..   MY_PREFIX       := $(LOCAL_PATH)/  MY_SOURCES      := $(wildcard $(LOCAL_PATH)/*.cpp)  LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(MY_SOURCES:$(MY_PREFIX)%=%)   LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := lib_boxfilter libcudart_static  LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES += nv_and_util nv_egl_util nv_glesutil nv_shader nv_file   LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libcufft  LOCAL_LDLIBS := -llog -landroid -lGLESv2 -lEGL   LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += $(BOX_FILTER_ROOT)/cuda  LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += $(CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT)/targets/armv7-linux-androideabi/include  include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY)   $(call import-add-path, $(NVPACK)/Samples/TDK_Samples/libs/jni)   $(call import-module,nv_and_util)  $(call import-module,nv_egl_util)  $(call import-module,nv_shader)  $(call import-module,nv_file)  $(call import-module,nv_glesutil) 

And the content of Application.mk

APP_STL := gnustl_static APP_ABI := armeabi-v7a APP_PLATFORM := android-10' 