I'm trying to deserialize a JSONArray
with Gson, one the values' type can vary, the value "in_wanted" can be either a boolean
or a JSONObject
in_wanted as boolean
{ "movies": [ { "title": "example boolean", "in_wanted": false } ] }
in_wanted as JSONObject
{ "movies": [ { "title": "example object", "in_wanted": { "profile": { "value": false } } } ] }
I need the object whenever it's available and i need a deserializer to return null whenever the value of "in_wanted" is a boolean. What would be the best way to do this with Gson?
You can do this with custom deserializer. At the start we should create data model which can represent your JSON.
class JsonEntity { private List movies; public List getMovies() { return movies; } public void setMovies(List movies) { this.movies = movies; } @Override public String toString() { return "JsonEntity [movies=" + movies + "]"; } } class Movie { private String title; private Profile in_wanted; public String getTitle() { return title; } public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; } public Profile getIn_wanted() { return in_wanted; } public void setIn_wanted(Profile in_wanted) { this.in_wanted = in_wanted; } @Override public String toString() { return "Movie [title=" + title + ", in_wanted=" + in_wanted + "]"; } } class Profile { private boolean value; public boolean isValue() { return value; } public void setValue(boolean value) { this.value = value; } @Override public String toString() { return String.valueOf(value); } }
Now when we have all needed classes we should implement new custom deserializer:
class ProfileJsonDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer { @Override public Profile deserialize(JsonElement jsonElement, Type type, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException { if (jsonElement.isJsonPrimitive()) { return null; } return context.deserialize(jsonElement, JsonProfile.class); } } class JsonProfile extends Profile { }
Please have a look on JsonProfile
class. We have to create it to avoid "deserialization loop" (tricky part).
And now we can test our solution with test method:
GsonBuilder builder = new GsonBuilder(); builder.registerTypeAdapter(Profile.class, new ProfileJsonDeserializer()); Gson gson = builder.create(); JsonEntity jsonEntity = gson.fromJson(new FileReader("/tmp/json.txt"), JsonEntity.class); System.out.println(jsonEntity);
You could do a manual parsing, something like:
JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); JsonObject rootObject = parser.parse(yourJsonString).getAsJsonObject(); JsonObject movieObject = rootObject .getAsJsonArray("movies") .get(0).getAsJsonObject(); JsonElement inWantedElement = movieObject.get("in_wanted"); //Check if "in_wanted" element is a boolean or an object if (inWantedElement.isJsonObject()) { //Process the element as an object... //for example get the element "value"... boolean value = inWantedElement .getAsJsonObject() .getAsJsonObject("profile") .getAsJsonPrimitive("value") .getAsBoolean(); } else if (inWantedElement.isJsonPrimitive()) { //Process the element as a boolean... boolean inWanted = inWantedElement.getAsBoolean(); }
Note: see Gson API documentation for further info about types JsonObject
, JsonArray
, JsonElement
, and so on...