
匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-02 23:40:02
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #use: python file_check.py ./  import os import hashlib import shutil import ntpath import time  CWD = os.getcwd() FILE_MD5_DICT = {}      # 文件MD5字典 ORIGIN_FILE_LIST = []  # 特殊文件路径字符串 Special_path_str = 'drops_JWI96TY7ZKNMQPDRUOSG0FLH41A3C5EXVB82' bakstring = 'bak_EAR1IBM0JT9HZ75WU4Y3Q8KLPCX26NDFOGVS' logstring = 'log_WMY4RVTLAJFB28960SC3KZX7EUP1IHOQN5GD' webshellstring = 'webshell_WMY4RVTLAJFB28960SC3KZX7EUP1IHOQN5GD' difffile = 'diff_UMTGPJO17F82K35Z0LEDA6QB9WH4IYRXVSCN'  Special_string = 'drops_log'  # 免死金牌 UNICODE_ENCODING = "utf-8" INVALID_UNICODE_CHAR_FORMAT = r"\?%02x"  # 文件路径字典 spec_base_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(CWD, Special_path_str)) Special_path = {     'bak' : os.path.realpath(os.path.join(spec_base_path, bakstring)),     'log' : os.path.realpath(os.path.join(spec_base_path, logstring)),     'webshell' : os.path.realpath(os.path.join(spec_base_path, webshellstring)),     'difffile' : os.path.realpath(os.path.join(spec_base_path, difffile)), }  def isListLike(value):     return isinstance(value, (list, tuple, set))  # 获取Unicode编码 def getUnicode(value, encoding=None, noneToNull=False):      if noneToNull and value is None:         return NULL      if isListLike(value):         value = list(getUnicode(_, encoding, noneToNull) for _ in value)         return value      if isinstance(value, unicode):         return value     elif isinstance(value, basestring):         while True:             try:                 return unicode(value, encoding or UNICODE_ENCODING)             except UnicodeDecodeError, ex:                 try:                     return unicode(value, UNICODE_ENCODING)                 except:                     value = value[:ex.start] + "".join(INVALID_UNICODE_CHAR_FORMAT % ord(_) for _ in value[ex.start:ex.end]) + value[ex.end:]     else:         try:             return unicode(value)         except UnicodeDecodeError:             return unicode(str(value), errors="ignore")  # 目录创建 def mkdir_p(path):     import errno     try:         os.makedirs(path)     except OSError as exc:         if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path):             pass         else: raise  # 获取当前所有文件路径 def getfilelist(cwd):     filelist = []     for root,subdirs, files in os.walk(cwd):         for filepath in files:             originalfile = os.path.join(root, filepath)             if Special_path_str not in originalfile:                 filelist.append(originalfile)     return filelist  # 计算机文件MD5值 def calcMD5(filepath):     try:         with open(filepath,'rb') as f:             md5obj = hashlib.md5()             md5obj.update(f.read())             hash = md5obj.hexdigest()             return hash     except Exception, e:         print u'[!] getmd5_error : ' + getUnicode(filepath)         print getUnicode(e)         try:             ORIGIN_FILE_LIST.remove(filepath)             FILE_MD5_DICT.pop(filepath, None)         except KeyError, e:             pass  # 获取所有文件MD5 def getfilemd5dict(filelist = []):     filemd5dict = {}     for ori_file in filelist:         if Special_path_str not in ori_file:             md5 = calcMD5(os.path.realpath(ori_file))             if md5:                 filemd5dict[ori_file] = md5     return filemd5dict  # 备份所有文件 def backup_file(filelist=[]):     # if len(os.listdir(Special_path['bak'])) == 0:     for filepath in filelist:         if Special_path_str not in filepath:             shutil.copy2(filepath, Special_path['bak'])  if __name__ == '__main__':     print u'---------start------------'     for value in Special_path:         mkdir_p(Special_path[value])     # 获取所有文件路径,并获取所有文件的MD5,同时备份所有文件     ORIGIN_FILE_LIST = getfilelist(CWD)     FILE_MD5_DICT = getfilemd5dict(ORIGIN_FILE_LIST)     backup_file(ORIGIN_FILE_LIST) # TODO 备份文件可能会产生重名BUG     print u'[*] pre work end!'     while True:         file_list = getfilelist(CWD)         # 移除新上传文件         diff_file_list = list(set(file_list) ^ set(ORIGIN_FILE_LIST))         if len(diff_file_list) != 0:             # import pdb;pdb.set_trace()             for filepath in diff_file_list:                 try:                     f = open(filepath, 'r').read()                 except Exception, e:                     break                 if Special_string not in f:                     try:                         print u'[*] webshell find : ' + getUnicode(filepath)                         shutil.move(filepath, os.path.join(Special_path['webshell'], ntpath.basename(filepath) + '.txt'))                     except Exception as e:                         print u'[!] move webshell error, "%s" maybe is webshell.'%getUnicode(filepath)                     try:                         f = open(os.path.join(Special_path['log'], 'log.txt'), 'a')                         f.write('newfile: ' + getUnicode(filepath) + ' : ' + str(time.ctime()) + '\n')                         f.close()                     except Exception as e:                         print u'[-] log error : file move error: ' + getUnicode(e)          # 防止任意文件被修改,还原被修改文件         md5_dict = getfilemd5dict(ORIGIN_FILE_LIST)         for filekey in md5_dict:             if md5_dict[filekey] != FILE_MD5_DICT[filekey]:                 try:                     f = open(filekey, 'r').read()                 except Exception, e:                     break                 if Special_string not in f:                     try:                         print u'[*] file had be change : ' + getUnicode(filekey)                         shutil.move(filekey, os.path.join(Special_path['difffile'], ntpath.basename(filekey) + '.txt'))                         shutil.move(os.path.join(Special_path['bak'], ntpath.basename(filekey)), filekey)                     except Exception as e:                         print u'[!] move webshell error, "%s" maybe is webshell.'%getUnicode(filekey)                     try:                         f = open(os.path.join(Special_path['log'], 'log.txt'), 'a')                         f.write('diff_file: ' + getUnicode(filekey) + ' : ' + getUnicode(time.ctime()) + '\n')                         f.close()                     except Exception as e:                         print u'[-] log error : done_diff: ' + getUnicode(filekey)                         pass         time.sleep(2)         # print '[*] ' + getUnicode(time.ctime())  作者:Mr_Shadowalker 链接:https://www.jianshu.com/p/25535f0b98d4 来源:简书 简书著作权归作者所有,任何形式的转载都请联系作者获得授权并注明出处。 
