import re def IsContainChinese(path:str) -> bool : cnPatter=re.compile(u'[\u4e00-\u9fa5]+') flag=False if match: flag=True else: flag = False return flag
import csv
def WriteResultToCSV(**kwags): v = [ v for v in kwags.values()] # v=lambda v:[ v for v in kwags.values()] # print(v) for item in v: try: header=["文件名","高度","宽度"] # 如果不加newline参数,则保存的csv文件会出现隔行为空的情况 with open(os.getcwd()+"\\result.csv",'w+',newline="") as fw: csvWriter=csv.writer(fw) csvWriter.writerow(header) # print(item.items()) for k,v in item.items(): print(f"{k} {v}") csvWriter.writerow([k,str(v[0]),str(v[1])]) except Exception as e: pass
python opencv2安装: pip install opencv-python
import cv2 def GetResolution(path,imgList): temDict={} for item in imgList: # opencv 不支持中文路径 img=cv2.imread(path+"\\"+item) # cv2.namedWindow("Image") # cv2.imshow("Image",img) # cv2.waitKey(1) # cv2.destroyAllWindows() imgResolution=img.shape temDict[item]=imgResolution return temDict
import os def GetImgList(path): imgList=[ img for img in os.listdir(path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path,img)) and (img.endswith(".jpg") or img.endswith(".jpge") or img.endswith(".png")) ] return imgList
import base64 def ConverImgToBase64(path,imgList): resultList={} for img in imgList: try: with open (path+"\\"+img,'rb') as fr: data=base64.b64encode( tempResult=data.decode() resultList[img]=tempResult except Exception as e: resultList["Exception"]=e return resultList
import os def IsExistFile(path): try: if (os.path.exists(path)): os.remove(path) except Exception as identifier: pass
import os # 描述信息:一个文件夹内一张图片对应一个xml或者只有图片或只有xml def ListFile(path): imgList=[] xmlList=[] extendIsXmlCount=0 extendIsImgCount=0 for file in os.listdir(path): fileList=file.split(".") try: if fileList[-1] == "xml": extendIsXmlCount+=1 xmlList.append(fileList[0]) elif fileList[-1] == "jpg" or fileList[-1] == "jpeg" or fileList[-1] == "png": extendIsImgCount+=1 imgList.append(fileList[0]) except Exception as e: print("error") differenceResult=set(imgList+xmlList) return imgList,xmlList,extendIsImgCount,extendIsXmlCount,differenceResult def CompareCount(xmlCount,imgCount): ''' -1: xml > img 0 : xml == img 1 : xml < img ''' # compareResult=-9999 differenceCount=-9999 if (xmlCount > imgCount): # print(f"xml Count {xmlCount} is more than img Count {imgCount} ,difference is {xmlCount-imgCount}") compareResult=f"xml Count {xmlCount} is more than img Count {imgCount} ,difference is {xmlCount-imgCount}" differenceCount=xmlCount-imgCount elif(xmlCount < imgCount): # print(f"xml Count {xmlCount} is less than img Count {imgCount} ,difference is {imgCount-xmlCount}") compareResult=f"xml Count {xmlCount} is less than img Count {imgCount} ,difference is {imgCount-xmlCount}" differenceCount=imgCount-xmlCount elif (xmlCount == imgCount): # print(f"xml Count {xmlCount} is equal img Count {imgCount} ,difference is {imgCount-xmlCount}") compareResult=f"xml Count {xmlCount} is equal img Count {imgCount} ,difference is {imgCount-xmlCount}" differenceCount=imgCount-xmlCount return compareResult,differenceCount def RemoveDuplicateItem(ListA,ListB): tempSetA=set(ListA) tempSetB=set(ListB) if len(tempSetA) >= len(tempSetB): result=tempSetA-tempSetB else: result=tempSetB-tempSetA return result
import pickle def ReadFile(path): result="" try: with open (path,'rb') as fr: result=pickle.load(fr) except Exception as e: result=e return result
import time import datetime def ChangDateTimeToUnix(inputDateTime): ''' 将标准时间转换为Unix时间戳 time strptime() 函数根据指定的格式把一个时间字符串解析为时间元组 time.strptime(string[, format]) ''' timeArray = time.strptime(inputDateTime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") timeStamp = int(time.mktime(timeArray)) return timeStamp