Git Error : [remote rejected] master -> master (missing necessary objects)

只愿长相守 提交于 2019-12-01 21:11:48

So when I saw that the problematic files that I was having problems with were the ones I was committing when the machine crashed, we tried having someone else create a small change and commit those changes to the system.

This worked for them. I could then do a pull for their changes and then I could then commit my changes to the files, getting everything back to how it should be.

So the answer is a simple one, have someone else commit the files into the repository, and pull them back out.

Why this works is a bit of a mystery. Presumably there is something user specific somewhere which was left in a bad state after the crash, so pulling a newer version over resets this 'corruption'.

Anyway, it works now so happy days! I'll leave this up as there was scant results on Google for this problem and maybe someone else has a similar issue.
