Is there an error in PHP's imap_fetch_overview()-function when reading headers with brackets?

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-12-01 16:28:38

The problem ist, that

echo mb_encode_mimeheader("Name with [], ÄÖÜ and spaces");


Name with [], =?UTF-8?B?w4PChMODwpbDg8KcIGFuZCBzcGFjZXM=?=

which is not, what you want.

I found this function on, which might help you:

function EncodeMime($Text, $Delimiter) { 
    $Text = utf8_decode($Text); 
    $Len  = strlen($Text); 
    $Out  = ""; 
    for ($i=0; $i<$Len; $i++) 
        $Chr = substr($Text, $i, 1); 
        $Asc = ord($Chr); 

        if ($Asc > 0x255) // Unicode not allowed 
            $Out .= "?"; 
        else if ($Chr == " " || $Chr == $Delimiter || $Asc > 127) 
            $Out .= $Delimiter . strtoupper(bin2hex($Chr)); 
        else $Out .= $Chr; 
    return $Out; 
echo EncodeMime("Name with [], ÄÖÜ and spaces", '%');

It returns


The FROM field it's not added because you don't have from="" active (check ;) in php.ini and your mb_encode_mimeheader it's not converting as you want and needed for an email to dispatch correctly.

For an email with UTF-8 characters and name you should encode with UTF-8 and base64_encode.

Here's a proper way to sent that email:

$recipient  = "mail@server.tld";
$subject    = "=?UTF-8?B?".base64_encode('Subject äöü')."?=";
$text       = "Hallo";
$from_user  = "=?UTF-8?B?".base64_encode('Name with [], ÄÖÜ and spaces')."?= <>";
$header     = "From: ".$from_user." "
                . "\r\n" . "Reply-To: ".$from_user." "
                . "\r\n" . "MIME-Version: 1.0"
                . "\r\n" . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit"
                . "\r\n" . "Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8"
                . "\r\n" . "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion();

// send e-mail
mail($recipient, $subject, $text, $header);

You should receive the email with proper Name, Email and Subject. You will still need to decode those with iconv_mime_decode($overview->from,0, "UTF-8")

I had the same problem with brackets a while ago. Nobody could tell me, what the meaning of brackets in mail-header-adress-fields is and why PHP cant manage them. My solution was to simply remove brackets from the address-field after using imap_fetchheader().
