Getting a List of Symbols Used by My VC++ Code

只愿长相守 提交于 2019-12-01 13:17:56

Experimenting with this program:

typedef unsigned long MYTYPE;

int wmain(int argc, wchar_t *argv[])
    MYTYPE test = 99LU;

both DIA SDK and DbgHelp return 16 (SymTagBaseType) for the symtype of the type symbol for test. It would be nice if the type symbol were a Typedef symbol (17/SymTagTypedef), but it might be that the PDB itself does not record whether the source file used a typedef or type name in declaring the type of the local variable.

One possible work-around is to enumerate the SymTagTypedef children of the global scope symbol, building a std::multimap from type IDs of the types to the typedef names. Then, for each local variable, if the multimap contains entries for the Data symbol's type ID (obtained via IDiaSymbol::get_typeId), use the IDiaSession::findLines method to figure out the line(s) on which the Data symbol is declared and search those lines for any of the typedef name strings, possibly performing preprocessing before searching.
