Javascript - Trouble using for…in to iterate through an object

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2019-12-01 09:10:16

Solved it! Originally, I was calling the function parseDensityMapXML() and then immediately after it calling another function loadDensityMapXML() which took the object created dynamically in the first function and iterated through it. Problem was, it wasn't called as a callback from the first function, so was firing before the Object had even been built.

To fix, I just amended the first function mentioned above to call the second function after the .each() was finished creating the objects:

function parseDensityMapXML() {
    type: "GET",
    url: "media/XML/mapCountryData.xml",
    dataType: "xml",
    success: function (xml) {
        $(xml).find("Country").each(function () {
            var cName = $(this).find("Name").text();
            var cIniCount = $(this).find("InitiativeCount").text();
            var cUrl = $(this).find("SearchURL").text();
            var cCode = $(this).find("CountryCode").text();

            //Populate the JS Object
            iniDensityData[cCode] = { "initiatives": cIniCount, "url": cUrl, "name": cName };
            //set colors according to values of initiatives count
            colorArray[cCode] = getCountryColor(cIniCount);

        /* and then call the jVectorMap plugin - this MUST be done as a callback
           after the above parsing.  If called separately, it will fire before the
           objects iniDensityData and colorArray are created! */
} //end function parseDensityMapXML();