Passing indefinite Query Parameters with RESTful URL and reading them in RESTEasy

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2019-12-01 08:59:24

The best thing to do in this case would be using a DTO containing all the fields of your search criteria. For example, you mentioned 4 distinct parameters.

  1. Book Name (bookName)
  2. Author Name (authorName)
  3. Publisher Name (pubName)
  4. ISBN (isbn)

Create a DTO containing the fields having the following annotations for every property you want to map the parameters to:

public class CriteriaDTO{

  private String isbn;

Other getter and setters of other properties


Here is a method doing that for your reference:

public ResultDTO search(@Form CriteriaDTO dto){

using following URL will populate the CriteriaDTO's property isbn automatically:



A similar question was asked here: How do you map multiple query parameters to the fields of a bean on Jersey GET request?

I went with kensen john's answer (UriInfo) instead. It allowed to just iterate through a set to check which parameters were passed.
