I got this Dart Script below and I want to access the methods from the class hello_world by JavaScript after I compiled the Dart Script with dart2js. Does anybody know how this works?! I already know how to access the functions like foo(...), thats not the problem, but it does not work the same way with classes and methods. And the tutorials on dartlang.org only explain how to access functions, not methods and classes. I dont get it...
import 'dart:js' as js;
class hello_world {
String hello = 'Hello World!';
String getHello() {
return hello;
void ausgabe() {
print("Hallo Welt");
//return 0;
String foo(int n) {
void foo2() {
js.context['foo2'] = foo2;
return 'Hallo';
void main() {
int zahl1 = 3;
int zahl2 = 1234;
String w = 'test';
hello_world test = new hello_world();
js.context['foo'] = foo;
Assuming you want to create a Js function bind on a Dart method you can do almost the same thing :
void main() {
hello_world test = new hello_world();
// define a 'getHelloOnTest' Js function
js.context['getHelloOnTest'] = test.getHello;
Now on Js side you can use :