I\'m looking for a code library that converts ANSI escape sequences into HTML color, via plain tags or CSS. For example, something that would convert this:
ESC[00mESC[01;34mbinESC[00m ESC[01;34mcodeESC[00m ESC[01;31mdropbox-lnx.x86-0.6.404.tar.gzESC[00m ESC[00mfooESC[00m
Into this:
<span style=\"color:blue\">bin</span>
<span style=\"color:blue\">code</span>
<span style=\"color:red\">dropbox-lnx.x86-0.6.404.tar.gz</span>
Converting breaks into <br/> isn\'t necessary, it\'s just the escape codes that I don\'t know. I could hack it together myself, but I\'d probably miss something important like underlines or mess up how background colors work. I\'d rather just sit on top of someone else\'s code.
Does such a tool (command line linux) or library (perl, python, or ruby preferably) exist?
There seems to be an HTML::FromANSI Perl module.
is a C-language program, available in an Ubuntu package, at http://ziz.delphigl.com/tool_aha.php or on github https://github.com/theZiz/aha, that takes an input with terminal colors by pipe or file and puts a (w3c conform) HTML-File in stdout. Example:
ls --color=always | aha > ls-output.htm
ls --color=always | aha --black > ls-output.htm
for a terminal-like look with black background.
Compile it by "make" and put it where ever you want.
It would be great to get Feedback. ;-)
Mature Python library and command line tool which is still maintained: ralphbean/ansi2html
Alternatively, for the Bourne shell: ansi2html.sh