Google Cloud SQL SSL fails peer certificate validation

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2019-12-01 08:13:22

Try connecting through the proxy if you have second generation sql, you might be able to connect pdo via the proxy with

Assuming you can convince MySQL that the hostname is should verify is in fact project-name:instance-id then I would have thought the hostname validation ought to succeed (though I agree that cert doesn't look great).

I tried the following from my Mac OS X workstation and it appeared to succeed, at least when using the mysql binary (I didn't try via PHP).

First I added a hosts entry on my machine included the colon as part of the name:   project-name:instance-id

After doing so I was able to connect successfully with the mysql (5.6.32) installed on my machine:

mysql -uroot -h "project-name:instance-id" --password \
    --ssl \
    --ssl-ca ~/Downloads/server-ca.pem \
    --ssl-cert ~/Downloads/client-cert.pem \
    --ssl-key ~/Downloads/client-key.pem \

(When I ran that same command with the IP address instead, I received ERROR 2026 (HY000): SSL connection error: SSL certificate validation failure)
