Wav audio file compression not working

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-01 06:47:01

PCM ("WAV") is uncompressed, so -b:a/-ab is ignored.

Calculating PCM bitrate

Assuming a stereo input, 8000 samples per second, 16 bits per sample:

sample rate × number of channels × bits per sample = bitrate
8000 × 2 × 16 = 256000 bits/s, or 256 kb/s

Determine channels, sample rate, bit depth

You can just view the output of ffmpeg -i input.wav or use ffprobe for a more concise output:

$ ffprobe -loglevel error -select_streams a -show_entries stream=sample_rate,channels,bits_per_sample -of default=nw=1 input.wav 

Reducing bitrate

You can reduce the number of channels, change the sample rate, and/or change the bit depth, but another option is to use a lossless compressed format such as FLAC:

$ ffmpeg -i audio.wav audio.flac
$ ls -alh audio.wav audio.flac
  6.1M audio.flac
   11M audio.wac

I usually do this using Audacity

1) import the wav file to audacity

2) Then File>Export

3) Choose "Constant" and then from the Quality drop-down select your required bit-rate

I haven't tried that with ffmpeg, but the command should be:

ffmpeg -i input.wav -ab 64000 output.wav