I have a .pfa font file and I would like to read the "algorithm" for rendering the font. However, most of the information is hidden in binary in the line:
currentfile eexec
How do we "decode" this information?
Unless you really want to write your own eexec decryption, and then your own charstring decryption, I'd suggest you simply use t1disasm. If you are running on a Linux distribution you may be able to find a package for t1utils which should contain this, or you can get the source in a number of places (Google is your friend), here's one:
If you are on Windows you could look here for the t1utils package fopr WIndows :
I found this document very helpful in decrypting eexec encryption. A simple example in python using the code mentioned there.
#Getting the eexec binary, make sure you exclude the ascii part in the end, after the binary portion
text = open('fontfile.pfa').read()
raw_hex = text.split('eexec')[1]
decarr = list()
count = 0
hex_code = str()
#Converting pairs of the hexadecimal digits to decimal, e.g. ff -> 255, and storing it in an array decarr
for i in range(len(raw_hex)):
if raw_hex[i] == '\n':
hex_code = hex_code + raw_hex[i]
count += 1
if count == 2:
decarr.append(int(hex_code, 16))
count = 0
hex_code = str()
Once we have an array of the decimal equivalents of pairs of hexadecimal digits, we perform decryption as mentioned in Chapter 7 of Adobe Type 1 Font Format Specification. The constants are as mentioned in the specification.
c1 = 52845
c2 = 22719
R = 55665
p = list()
for i in range(0,len(decarr)):
if decarr[i] is not '\n':
p.append(decarr[i]^(R >> 8))
R = ((decarr[i] + R)*c1 + c2) & ((1 << 16) - 1)
decrypted = list()
for i in range(len(p)):
if p[i] is not '\n':
Hope it helps!
I think KenS's answer is better, but, as a curiosity, here is an emacs function that does eexec decryption of a bynary input (i.e. no decryption of hexadecimal input and no charstring decryption). The algorithm is from the document in Henry's answer.
(defun eexec-decrypt ()
"decrypt eexec binary block (see Type1 font);
NB: no charstring decryption"
(search-forward "currentfile eexec")(forward-char 1)
(with-output-to-temp-buffer (concat (buffer-name) "-eexec-decripted")
(setq r 55665)
(setq c1 52845)
(setq c2 22719)
(setq here (point))
(setq count 4)
(while (< here (point-max)) ; I'm not really sure where to stop...
(setq cipher (get-byte here))
(setq plain (logxor cipher (lsh r -8)))
(cond ((> count 0) ; skip first 4 bytes
(setq count (- count 1)))
(t (princ (byte-to-string plain))))
(setq r (mod (+ c2 (* c1 (+ cipher r))) 65536))
(setq here (+ 1 here)))))
What was really neat is that any patient seventh grader could sight read an eexec file!
Just insert a random character and view both your stack and your error report. Repeat every few dozen characters.
Like a voice response safe "try three clicks to the left".