C++: auto_ptr + forward declaration?

北城余情 提交于 2019-12-01 02:58:42

You need to include the header defining class Inner into the file where Cont::~Cont() implementation is located. This way you still have a forward declaration in teh header defining class Cont and the compiler sees class Inner definition and can call the destructor.

class Inner; // is defined in Inner.h
class Cont 
    virtual ~Cont(); 
    std::auto_ptr<Inner> m_inner;

// Cont.cpp
#include <Cont.h>
#include <Inner.h>


Turns out the problem occurs only when I make the c'tor inline. If I put the c'tor in the cpp, after the decleration of Inner everything's ok.

You may consider boost::shared_ptr() instead. It has no practical disadvantages instead of performance, and is much more friendly to forward declarations:

boost::shared_ptr<class NeverHeardNameBefore> ptr;

is okay, without extra declarations above.

shared_ptr does more than auto_ptr, such as reference counting, but it should not harm if you don't need it.

It seems to be ridiculous but I solved the same issue by adding #include <memory> to the Cont.h file.

The forward declaration in the header is ok if you implement the destructor in the cont.cpp file and you include inner.h, as others pointed out.

The problem could be in the use of Cont. In each cpp that uses (and destroys) Cont you have to include cont.h AND inner.h. That solved the problem in my case.

Alexey Malistov

This question (deleting object with private destructor) and this question (how to write iscomplete template) may be help you.

You aren't technically supposed to instantiate standard library templates with incomplete types, although I know of no implementation where this won't work. In practice, Sharptooth's answer is what I'd recommend also.

There really wasn't anything wrong with using a naked pointer for your impl pointer, as long as you call delete on it in your destructor. You should probably also implement or disable the copy constructor and assignment operator.
