c# wpf - cannot set both DisplayMemberPath and ItemTemplate

三世轮回 提交于 2019-11-30 20:09:10

DisplayMemberPath is, in effect, a template for a single property, shown in a TextBlock. If you set:

<ListBox x:Name="lstToys" Style="{DynamicResource ListBoxStyle1}"  
         ItemsSource="{Binding Strings}" DisplayMemberPath="Toys">

It is equivalent to:

<ListBox x:Name="lstToys" Style="{DynamicResource ListBoxStyle1}"  
         ItemsSource="{Binding Strings}">
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Toys}"/>

You can simply remove the DisplayMemberPath path and use the value in your DataTemplate's Binding:

<ListBox x:Name="lstToys" Style="{DynamicResource ListBoxStyle1}"  
         ItemsSource="{Binding Strings}">
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Toys}" ToolTip="Here is a tooltip!"/>


If you want to set a ToolTip but keep the DisplayMemberPath, you can do it at the ItemContainerStyle:

<ListBox x:Name="lstToys" Style="{DynamicResource ListBoxStyle1}"  
         ItemsSource="{Binding Strings}" DisplayMemberPath="Toys">
        <Style TargetType="ListBoxItem">
            <Setter Property="ToolTip" Value="Here's a tooltip!"/>

I'd advise against it. Remember that use DisplayMemberPath stops you from any complex binding in your data template.
