You can easily add test devices with banner ads so you don't get banned by accidentally clicking on them. However I cannot find how to add test devices to interstitial ads. I assume you also can be banned if you click accidentally on them.
Can you add test devices to these and if so, how? I can't find it on the official google guide, nor on SA. How to get test ad Banners and test Interstitial ads working for adMob? did look promising, but there was no answer on how to add test devices.
Can you add test devices to these and if so, how?
So here you go:
// request test interstitial ads
AdRequest adRequestInterstitial = new AdRequest.Builder()
// request test banner ads
AdRequest adRequestBanner = new AdRequest.Builder()
I use the admob test ads id:
- For banner: ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/6300978111
- For Interstitial : ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/1033173712
Refer: link
A small hack & its done.....! I have write few lines of code ,which will add every device as a test_device ,When you run your app in it .
Just Write this code before loading the add:
SharedPreferences var1 = context.getSharedPreferences("FBAdPrefs", 0);
String i = u.b(UUID.randomUUID().toString());
if (!var1.getString("deviceIdHash", "").equals(i))
var1.edit().putString("deviceIdHash", i).apply();
It works for all type of facebook ad's ..!