I'm working on a RadGrid, and I want to access its rows but it seems it does not have a .Rows
Here's what I have tried until now:
How can I access rgCustomers
's Rows collection? I want to add a button to each row.
According to Telerik's documentation,
"Each dynamic row in the grid represents a record from the specified data source. Dynamic rows are represented by the GridDataItem class (a descendent of GridItem).
Each GridTableView has a set of rows (the Items collection) of type GridDataItem."
So you want to use the Items collection of the grid, which is a collection of GridDataItems.
protected void btnLoad_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
rgCustomers.DataSource = odsCustomers;
foreach (GridDataItem row in rgCustomers.Items)
I'm assuming it's WPF/Silverlight RadGrid?
If You want to access row control in databound grid (not row data) - You'll have to use ItemContainerGenerator property of RadGrid. For example:
will return first row control (of type RadGridViewRow if I remember correctly)
- If you want to add a button on every row:
GridTemplateColumn or GridButtonColumn will do the trick.
- If you want to access the current row:
Use the OnClick event handler of the button.
<telerik:RadButton ID="BTN_DEMO" runat="server" HeaderText="N°1 DEMO BTN" Text='<%#"Click Me iM N°"+((IhateEvalDataSource) Container.DataItem).Stuff_ID %>' OnClick="BTN_DEMO_Click"></telerik:RadButton>
Get a reference to the GridDataItem using (sender as RadButton).NamingContainer.
protected void BTN_BL_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { GridDataItem G = ((RadButton)sender).NamingContainer as GridDataItem; }
Use GetDataKeyValue() method to extract the record ID:
DEMO_INT = (int)G.GetDataKeyValue("mySweetInt"); DEMO_STRING = (string)G.GetDataKeyValue("MyString");