Genealogy tree Algorithm

荒凉一梦 提交于 2019-11-30 16:08:43

First problem, design data schema: I keep hierarchis with a foreign key to parent row. It is simply.

Second problem, retrieve ascendants/descendants: As you explain, problems comes with select: select some people and all descendants os ascendants. To solve this you should to create a new tree table. This table contains pairs: al combination to a person with all they ancestors (and itself):

people( id, name, id_parent)
people_tree( id, id_ancestor, distance )

Noticie that with this structure is easy to query hierarchies. Sample: all descendants of somebody:

select people.*, distance
  people p
    inner join 
  people_tree t 
    on ( =
  id_ancesor = ** **

You can play with distance to get only grandparents, grandwchildren, etc. ...

Last problem, keep tree: tree must be all time up to data. You should automatize this: a trigger over people or a store procedure for CRUD operations,


Because this is a Genealogy tree, each person must to have both references, parent and mother:

people( id, name, id_parent, id_mother)

Then, 2 trees are needed:

parent_ancestors_tree( id, id_ancestor, distance )
mother_ancestors_tree( id, id_ancestor, distance )

David ask for sample data:

people: id    name    id_parent    id_mother
         1    Adam         NULL      NULL
         2    Eva          NULL      NULL
         3    Cain            1         2
        ..    ...
         8    Enoc            3         5

parent_ancestors_tree id    id_ancestor  distance
              (Adam)   1              1         0
              (Eva)    2              2         0
              (Cain)   3              3         0
                       3              1         1
              (Enoc)   8              8         0
                       8              3         1
                       8              1         2

mother_ancestors_tree id    id_ancestor  distance
              (Adam)   1              1         0
              (Eva)    2              2         0
              (Cain)   3              3         0
                       3              2         1
              (Enoc)   8              8         0
                  -- here ancestors of Enoc's mother --


I would also recommend an adjacent tree model and for the more complex logic I suggest to use simple mysql queries (Joins). Most likely it's more important to create the tree. You can do more data mining when the application is finished and everything went ok.
