TextMate toggle comment macro is broken

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2019-11-30 13:44:25

I had this same problem. Reinstalling TextMate seems to have solved the problem.

This problem appeared after migrating from one Mac to another. I'm not sure if thats the cause though. They where both MacBook Pro's running snow leopard.

Matt Hayes' answer pointed me to the trouble spot.

Bundles -> Bundle Editor -> Edit Commands --> Source --> Comment Line / Selection

change line 139:

- lines = text.to_a
+ lines = text.split(/$/).map(&:chomp)

#to_a is no longer a string method.


Matt Hayes

I ran into the same issue and figured out a workaround. Reinstalling TextMate did not help in my case.

Bundles -> Bundle Editor -> Edit Commands --> Source --> Comment Line / Selection

At the top of the script you should see this:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

I changed this to use another installation of Ruby. In my case I'm using RVM to manage different Ruby versions, so I have:


So it seems something got screwed up with the default system Ruby.

If you're using ruby 2.0 or you recently upgraded to Mavericks (system ruby in Mavericks is now 2.0), edit abovementioned command and add "-Ku" to the first line, like so: #!/usr/bin/env ruby -Ku

Worked for me.
