How to install either pybluez or LightBlue on OSX 10.9 (Mavericks‎)

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2019-11-30 10:01:38

PyBluez is windows only:

"PyBluez works on GNU/Linux and Windows XP (Microsoft and Widcomm Bluetooth stacks)." - pybluez homepage

It looks like you're installing the wrong version of LightBlue

Check dependencies 
error: There is no SDK with the name or path '/Users/myname/Downloads/lightblue-0.4/src/mac/LightAquaBlue/macosx10.6'

it's looking for a file for OSX 10.6.

Download and install the master distribution:

If you get the error:

Check dependencies
No architectures to compile for (ARCHS=$(NATIVE_ARCH_ACTUAL), VALID_ARCHS=i386 x86_64).


you'll have to open up and change:

os.system("xcodebuild install -arch '$(NATIVE_ARCH_ACTUAL)' -target LightAquaBlue -configuration Release DSTROOT=/ INSTALL_PATH=/Library/Frameworks DEPLOYMENT_LOCATION=YES")


os.system("xcodebuild install -arch 'i386' -target LightAquaBlue -configuration Release DSTROOT=/ INSTALL_PATH=/Library/Frameworks DEPLOYMENT_LOCATION=YES")

via this discussion

I actually got a ImportError: Bundle could not be loaded on Mavericks when I tried to import.
This seems to be the fix for 64 bit computers:

os.system("xcodebuild install -arch 'x86_64' -target LightAquaBlue -configuration Release DSTROOT=/ INSTALL_PATH=/Library/Frameworks DEPLOYMENT_LOCATION=YES")

Might be necessary if you come across the same thing.

there is an other version which is especially for mac osx 10.8 I can also run this version under osx 10.10 Yosemite.

I just had to follow the change the following line in the file:

os.system("xcodebuild install -arch 'x86_64' -target LightAquaBlue -configuration Release DSTROOT=/ INSTALL_PATH=/Library/Frameworks DEPLOYMENT_LOCATION=YES")

and then i did insert the following two methods in /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/lightblue/ :

def deviceInquiryDeviceNameUpdated_device_devicesRemaining_(self, sender, device, devicesRemaining): pass

def deviceInquiryUpdatingDeviceNamesStarted_devicesRemaining_(self, sender, devicesRemaining): pass

after the constructer of:


the complete code is then:

class _AsyncDeviceInquiry(Foundation.NSObject): 

# NSObject init, not python __init__
def init(self):
        attr = _IOBluetooth.IOBluetoothDeviceInquiry
    except AttributeError:
        raise ImportError("Cannot find IOBluetoothDeviceInquiry class " +\
            "to perform device discovery. This class was introduced in " +\
            "Mac OS X 10.4, are you running an earlier version?")

    self = super(_AsyncDeviceInquiry, self).init()
    self._inquiry = \

    # callbacks
    self.cb_started = None
    self.cb_completed = None
    self.cb_founddevice = None

    return self

def deviceInquiryDeviceNameUpdated_device_devicesRemaining_(self, sender, device, devicesRemaining):

def deviceInquiryUpdatingDeviceNamesStarted_devicesRemaining_(self, sender, devicesRemaining):

the last step is to alter this line in the same file:

deviceInquiryComplete_error_aborted_, signature="v@:@iB")


deviceInquiryComplete_error_aborted_, signature="v@:@iZ")

for me that works fine!

Hope that this is a helpful post.
