I have a tsv (tab separated file) that I would like to import with sqlite3. Does someone know a clear way to do it?
I have installed sqlite3, but not created any database or tables yet.
I've tried the command
.import /path/filename.tsv my_new_table
but it gives me the error: no such table: my_new_table.
However, from what I'd read it should create the table automatically if it does't exist. Does it mean I need to create and use a database first, or is there another trick to importing a .tsv file into sqlite?
You should create the table, set a separator and import the data sqlite wiki.
Example for TSV:
(tab as a separator):
Bob 30 1000
Wendy 20 900
1) Create a table and set TAB as a separator:
sqlite> create table people (name text, param1 int, param2 int);
sqlite> .separator "\t"
2) Import data:
sqlite> .import data.tsv people
And the result is:
sqlite> select * from people;
Bob 30 1000
Wendy 20 900
There is actually a dedicated mode for importing tab separated files:
sqlite> .mode tabs
sqlite> .import data.tsv people
Also if you include a header row in your tsv file, you can let sqlite automatically create the table. Just use an unused table-name during import and change the tsv file to:
name param1 param2
Bob 30 1000
Wendy 20 900