I've combed StackOverflow and many other sites, have found many other related posts and have followed all said suggestions, but in the end, failsafe is skipping my tests.
My JUnit test is located here:
I am skipping surefire because there are no unit tests in this module:
<!-- POM snippet -->
And I'm trying to run integration tests with failsafe:
<!-- POM snippet -->
However, when I run mvn verify
I see this:
[INFO] --- maven-failsafe-plugin:2.14.1:integration-test (run-tests) @ rest-services-test ---
Results :
Tests run: 0, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
I spent the last 4 1/2 hours scouring, any help would be appreciated. The only other thing that may be worth mentioning is that I have Cargo setting up and tearing down a Tomcat container. Does anybody see the glaring problem?
You need to rename your test class.
You can find the names the plugin looks for by default in the documentation, as pointed out by @acdcjunior:
By default, the Failsafe Plugin will automatically include all test classes with the following wildcard patterns:
- "
" - includes all of its subdirectories and all java filenames that start with "IT".- "
" - includes all of its subdirectories and all java filenames that end with "IT".- "
" - includes all of its subdirectories and all java filenames that end with "ITCase".
I had a similar problem. If there aren't any test classes compiled to target/test-classes then check your pom file and ensure that the packaging isn't 'pom'.
For multi-module projects, the child project needs to have the plugin declared as followed,
version inherits from parent pom. Without the above defined, the plugin in parent pom alone will not work.
Your tests are not in the default test sources directory src/test/java. See:
should be:
You could also update your pom file (if you really wanted tests to live in main) to include:
I also had a similar problem but needed the packaging element to be "pom". Make sure your test source files are being compiled and added to the .../target/test-classes folder using the maven-compiler-plugin:
I was having the same issue and tried a few of the suggested options here. I am developing a Spring Boot application using JUnit 5. Unfortunately, none of my integration tests (located in src/test/java
and suffixed with *TestIT.java
) were getting picked up, regardless of the advertising of the plugin to do so. I tried downgrading to 2.18.1, 2.19.1 and tried both removing the <executions>
and <configuration>
sections to attempt to use even the plugin's default functionality, but no luck.
I finally changed the version to the latest (as of the time of writing) to 2.22.0, and viola. Here is the configuration I added to the <build><plugins>
section of my pom. And even better, I don't need to add executions that define the integration-test
and verify
goals that you see most people include; failsafe executes these by default. I've included my surefire plugin configuration as well, since I am using it to execute unit tests during the test
phase of the maven lifecycle.
<version>2.22.0</version><!--$NO-MVN-MAN-VER$ -->
And just for good measure, to tell surefire and failsafe to use JUnit 5, I am including this in my <dependencies>
Eclipse displays a warning (yellow squiggly underline) under the version tag, hence the inclusion of the <!--$NO-MVN-MAN-VER$ -->
error. I'm sure there's a better way to deal with this, but it works for me in this case.
To speed up testing this configuration, and to avoid having to go through all of the earlier lifecycle phases before test
, integration-test
phases, I used the following commands to quickly validate:
mvn failsafe:integration-test
(runs only integration tests)mvn surefire:test
(runs only unit tests)- (I obviously run the entire lifecycle when it counts)
Hope this helps someone. Cheers!
For me it was a missing executions section
The failsafe with TestNG documentation at https://maven.apache.org/surefire/maven-failsafe-plugin/examples/testng.html had shown a pom without it, and it didn't work.
Adding the missing executions section shown above solved the problem.
I had somewhat similar issue. My Integration tests were not being picked up. My project is a multi module spring boot project. And my mistake was that I added maven-failsafe-plugin in the parent POM. After fiddling around with many options I placed the failsafe-plugin in the module pom where all my integration tests were present which solved my problem.