Saving Swift CLLocation in CoreData

只愿长相守 提交于 2019-11-30 05:24:59

What you are missing is that NSValue is for storing types, i.e., contiguous blocks of memory, not objects. CLLocation is an object.

In order to store a CLLocation in core data, you will have to store each of the properties. An alternative is to use a Coder.

You will have much less trouble when you create a NSManagedObject subclass for the CLLocation objects. Then create methods for storing and retrieving for convenience:

import Foundation
import CoreData
import CoreLocation

class LocationPoint: NSManagedObject {

    @NSManaged var latitude: NSNumber!
    @NSManaged var longitude: NSNumber!
    @NSManaged var altitude: NSNumber!
    @NSManaged var timestamp: NSDate!
    @NSManaged var horizontalAccuracy: NSNumber
    @NSManaged var verticalAccuracy: NSNumber
    @NSManaged var speed: NSNumber
    @NSManaged var course: NSNumber

    func initFromLocation(location: CLLocation) {
        self.latitude           = location.coordinate.latitude
        self.longitude          = location.coordinate.longitude
        self.altitude           = location.altitude
        self.timestamp          = location.timestamp

        self.horizontalAccuracy = location.horizontalAccuracy > 0.0 ? location.horizontalAccuracy : 0.0
        self.verticalAccuracy   = location.verticalAccuracy > 0.0 ? location.verticalAccuracy : 0.0
        self.speed              = location.speed > 0.0 ? location.speed : 0.0
        self.course             = location.course > 0.0 ? location.course : 0.0

    func location() -> CLLocation {
        return CLLocation(
            coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: self.latitude.doubleValue, longitude: self.longitude.doubleValue),
            altitude: self.altitude.doubleValue,
            horizontalAccuracy: self.horizontalAccuracy.doubleValue,
            verticalAccuracy: self.verticalAccuracy.doubleValue,
            course: self.course.doubleValue,
            speed: self.speed.doubleValue,
            timestamp: self.timestamp

You have to set up your data model with an entity according to this class.

This post is still helpful but a bit outdated.

To save CLLocation I use:

let clocation: [CLLocation]

let archivedLocation = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: clocation)

And to Fetch with Core Data:

let unarchivedLocation = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObject(with: (coreDataLocation.value(forKey: "location") as! NSData) as Data) as! CLLocation)