Partial Updates (aka PATCH) using a $resource based service?

匆匆过客 提交于 2019-11-30 05:09:25

We implemented $patchusing ngResource, but it's a bit involved (we use Django Rest Framework on the server-side). For your diff component, I'll leave to your own implementation. We use a pristine cache to track changes of resources, so I can poll a given object and see what (if any) has changed.

I leverage underscore's _.pick() method to pull the known fields to save off the existing instance, create a copy (along with the known primary key) and save that using $patch.

We also use some utility classes to extend the built-in resources.

app.factory 'PartUpdateMixin', ['$q', '_', ($q, _) ->

    PartUpdateMixin = (klass) ->
        partial_update: (keys...) ->
            deferred = $q.defer()
            params = _.pick(@, 'id', keys...)
            o = new klass(params)
            o.$patch(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject)
            return deferred.promise

Here's the utility classes to enhance the Resources.

app.factory 'extend', ->
    extend = (obj, mixins...) ->
        for mixin in mixins
            obj[name] = method for name, method of mixin

app.factory 'include', ['extend', (extend) ->
    include = (klass, mixins...) ->
        extend klass.prototype, mixins...

    return include

Finally, we can enhance our Resource

include TheResource, PartUpdateMixin(TheResource)
resourceInstance = TheResource.get(id: 1234)
# Later...
updatedFields = getChangedFields(resourceInstance)

I would suggest using

update: {
    method: 'PATCH',
    transformRequest: dropUnchangedFields


var dropUnchangedFields = function(data, headerGetter) {

    /* compute from data using your .diff method by  */
    var unchangedFields = [ 'name', 'street' ];

    /* delete unchanged fields from data using a for loop */ 
    delete data['name'] ;
    delete data['street'];

    return data;


PS: not sure from memory, whether data is a reference to your resource of a copy of it, so you may need to create a copy of data, before deleting fields

Also, instead of return data, you may need return JSON.stringify(data).

Source (search for "transformRequest" on the documentation page)


I would suggest using Restangular over ngResource. The angular team keeps improving ngResource with every version, but Restangular still does a lot more, including allowing actions like PATCH that ngResource doesn't. Here'a a great SO question comparing the two What is the advantage of using Restangular over ngResource?
