Tastypie filtering with multiple values

一笑奈何 提交于 2019-11-30 03:31:56


You can do this:


PS: in filtering meta attribute, add {'accountId': ALL}

The most recent version seems to work pretty easily - just use an "__in":


(I assume you will need an entry in your resources Meta class, filtering = { 'accountId' : ALL })

You'll have to build and apply a filter. Here's a small snippet, it's better to build the filter in build_filters, then apply it in apply_filters, but you'll get the idea

class Foo(ModelResource):

    # regular stuff goes here...

    def apply_filters(self, request, applicable_filters):
        base_object_list = super(Foo, self).apply_filters(request, applicable_filters)
        query = request.GET.get('query', None)
        ids = request.GET.get('ids', None)
        filters = {}
        if ids:
            ids = ids.replace('+', ' ').split(' ')
        if query:
            qset = (
                Q(title__icontains=query, **filters) |
                Q(description__icontains=query, **filters)
            base_object_list = base_object_list.filter(qset).distinct()
        return base_object_list.filter(**filters).distinct()

this is the right way to me, it is easy and straightforward.

this way is strange and looks ugly.

of course, you need to add filtering = { 'accountId' : ALL } in the resource META.

You must declare the filtering columns in class Meta. This is a security by obscurity rule.

So, the accountId__in=[..] rule is one of these.

``` filtering = { 'accountId' : ALL } OR filtering = { 'accountId' : [ ..., 'in' ] }

