Symfony 1.4 using deprecated functions in php 5.5

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-11-30 03:18:05

The errors do not show up in prod unless you have enabled debug in index.php. It' s also possible to remove them in dev by unsetting the E_DEPRECATED flag in settings.yml :

    error_reporting:  <?php echo ((E_ALL | E_STRICT) ^ E_DEPRECATED)."\n" ?>

Basically what you have to do is take the replacement argument from the preg_replace call and factor it out into a proper PHP expression, then make that expression the body of a function that will be used as the callback to the equivalent preg_replace_callback call.

In your case the relevant code is

return preg_replace('/\-(.)/e', "'-'.strtoupper('\\1')", /* input */)

So you would do that as

$callback = function($matches) {
    return '-'.strtoupper($matches[1]);

return preg_replace_callback('/\-(.)/', $callback, /* input */)

As you can see the callback code is the same as the original replace expression, the only difference being that references such as \\1 are replaced with array accesses like $matches[1].


All in all, the best solution is to avoid upgrading PHP to version 5.5, as it is no more compatible with Symfony 1.4

If you have both Symfony 2 and 1.4 versions in a development environment, you may want to be able to switch your PHP version, as nicely described here.

If you really need to, it is possible to setup two different versions of PHP running on the same Apache server at the same time: this will need some more configuration, the above link explains that too.

Alternative HOT FIX:

With a couple of updates in the Symfony code, I can get most of my webpages running in dev. Of course, it would be dangerous to apply this in production, as the "deprecated" error may turn up again at any time, arising from another Symfony library.

In myproject/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 409, I have now (commented code is original Symfony code):

  protected function normalizeHeaderName($name)
    // return preg_replace('/\-(.)/e', "'-'.strtoupper('\\1')", strtr(ucfirst(strtolower($name)), '_', '-'));    

    return preg_replace_callback(
                  function ($matches) {
                    return '-'.strtoupper($matches[1]);
                  strtr(ucfirst(strtolower($name)), '_', '-')

And in myproject/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/util/sfToolkit.class.php on line 362 we get:

  public static function pregtr($search, $replacePairs)
    // return preg_replace(array_keys($replacePairs), array_values($replacePairs), $search);
    foreach($replacePairs as $pattern => $replacement)
        $search = preg_replace_callback(
                    function ($matches) use ($replacement){
                        if(array_key_exists(1, $matches)){ $replacement = str_replace("\\1", $matches[1], $replacement);}
                        if(array_key_exists(2, $matches)){ $replacement = str_replace("\\2", $matches[2], $replacement);}
                        return $replacement;
    return $search;

Use at your own risks :)

FIX for normalizeHeaderName method in /lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php on line 407

protected function normalizeHeaderName($name)
  //return preg_replace('/\-(.)/e', "'-'.strtoupper('\\1')", 
  strtr(ucfirst(strtolower($name)), '_', '-');
  return str_replace(array('\'$1$3\'','\'$2$4\'','\'$1\'', '\'$2\'', '$1', '$2'),array('$matches[1].$matches[3]','$matches[2].$matches[4]','$matches[1]','$matches[2]','$matches[1]','$matches[2]'),

FIX for pregtr method in /lib/vendor/symfony/lib/util/sfToolkit.class.php on line 360

public static function pregtr($search, $replacePairs){
  // return preg_replace(array_keys($replacePairs), array_values($replacePairs), $search);
  foreach($replacePairs as $pattern => $replacement)
    if (preg_match('/(.*)e$/', $pattern, $matches))
      $pattern = $matches[1];
      $search = preg_replace_callback($pattern, function ($matches) use ($replacement) {
        preg_match("/('::'\.)?([a-z]*)\('\\\\([0-9]{1})'\)/", $replacement, $match);
        return ($match[1]==''?'':'::').call_user_func($match[2], $matches[$match[3]]);
      }, $search);
      $search = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $search);
  return $search;

There is a community version of Symfony that maintains and patches the older code:

Alternative FIX for pregtr method in /lib/vendor/symfony/lib/util/sfToolkit.class.php on line 360

public static function pregtr($search, $replacePairs)
  // return preg_replace(array_keys($replacePairs), array_values($replacePairs), $search);
  foreach($replacePairs as $pattern => $replacement)
    if (preg_match('/(.*)e$/', $pattern, $matches))
      $pattern = $matches[1];
      $search = preg_replace_callback($pattern, function ($matches) use ($replacement) {
        preg_match("/('::'\.)?([a-z]*)\('\\\\([0-9]{1})'\)/", $replacement, $match);
        return ($match[1]==''?'':'::').call_user_func($match[2], $matches[$match[3]]);
      }, $search);
      $search = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $search);
  return $search;
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in lib/vendor/symfony/…This changelog will solve the problem for all symfony 1.4.x. Tested on Symfony 1.4.20
 lib/vendor/symfony/lib/command/sfCommandManager.class.php     |  4 +++-
 lib/vendor/symfony/lib/form/addon/sfFormObject.class.php      |  2 +-
 lib/vendor/symfony/plugins/sfDoctrinePlugin/lib/form/sfFormFilterDoctrine.class.php  |  2 +-
 lib/vendor/symfony/plugins/sfPropelPlugin/lib/form/sfFormFilterPropel.class.php      |  2 +-
 lib/vendor/symfony/lib/response/sfWebResponse.class.php       |  2 +-
 lib/vendor/symfony/lib/util/sfInflector.class.php             |  5 +----
 lib/vendor/symfony/lib/util/sfToolkit.class.php               | 11 +++++++++++
 7 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

@@ -108,7 +108,9 @@ class sfCommandManager
     else if (!is_array($arguments))
       // hack to split arguments with spaces : --test="with some spaces"
-      $arguments = preg_replace('/(\'|")(.+?)\\1/e', "str_replace(' ', '=PLACEHOLDER=', '\\2')", $arguments);
+      $arguments = preg_replace_callback('/(\'|")(.+?)\\1/', function($matches) {
+         return str_replace(' ', '=PLACEHOLDER=', $matches[2]);
+     }, $arguments);
       $arguments = preg_split('/\s+/', $arguments);
       $arguments = str_replace('=PLACEHOLDER=', ' ', $arguments);

@@ -278,6 +278,6 @@ abstract class sfFormObject extends BaseForm

   protected function camelize($text)
-    return preg_replace(array('#/(.?)#e', '/(^|_|-)+(.)/e'), array("'::'.strtoupper('\\1')", "strtoupper('\\2')"), $text);
+    return sfToolkit::camelize($text);

@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ abstract class sfFormFilterDoctrine extends sfFormFilter

   protected function camelize($text)
-    return sfToolkit::pregtr($text, array('#/(.?)#e' => "'::'.strtoupper('\\1')", '/(^|_|-)+(.)/e' => "strtoupper('\\2')"));
+    return sfToolkit::camelize($text);

   protected function getTable()

@@ -263,6 +263,6 @@ abstract class sfFormFilterPropel extends sfFormFilter

   protected function camelize($text)
-    return sfToolkit::pregtr($text, array('#/(.?)#e' => "'::'.strtoupper('\\1')", '/(^|_|-)+(.)/e' => "strtoupper('\\2')"));
+       return sfToolkit::camelize($text);

@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ class sfWebResponse extends sfResponse
   protected function normalizeHeaderName($name)
-    return preg_replace('/\-(.)/e', "'-'.strtoupper('\\1')", strtr(ucfirst(strtolower($name)), '_', '-'));
+    return preg_replace_callback('/\-(.)/', function ($matches) { return '-'.strtoupper($matches[1]); }, strtr(ucfirst(strtolower($name)), '_', '-'));


@@ -28,10 +28,7 @@ class sfInflector
   public static function camelize($lower_case_and_underscored_word)
     $tmp = $lower_case_and_underscored_word;
-    $tmp = sfToolkit::pregtr($tmp, array('#/(.?)#e'    => "'::'.strtoupper('\\1')",
-                                         '/(^|_|-)+(.)/e' => "strtoupper('\\2')"));
-    return $tmp;
+    return sfToolkit::camelize($tmp);;


@@ -608,4 +608,15 @@ class sfToolkit

     return set_include_path(join(PATH_SEPARATOR, $paths));
+   public static function camelize($text)
+   {
+       if (preg_match('#/(.?)#', $text, $matches)) {
+           $text = str_replace($matches[0], '::'.strtoupper($matches[1]), $text);
+       }
+       if (preg_match('/(^|_|-)+(.)/', $text, $matches)) {
+           $text = str_replace($matches[0], strtoupper($matches[2]), $text);
+       }
+       return $text;
+   }