Is JavaScript execution deferred until CSSOM is built or not?

旧街凉风 提交于 2019-11-30 02:30:35

This quote is true, but it means that if you place your style sheet first, and a script after it, the script will not execute until the style sheet is downloaded and parsed. See this example:


header('Content-Type: text/css');
echo 'body {background-color: red;}';


<link rel="stylesheet" href="test.php">

The console.log call won't be executed until background color changes to red.

This leads to the conclusion that building CSSOM isn't done once for all style sheets, but it's a gradual process – when browser encounters a style sheet, it downloads it, parses, and moves next. Also probably browser first makes a list of all CSS resources and adds them to the download queue, even before executing any scripts. That would explain why the request is made even though the link tag is commented by a script.
