Exiting Python Debugger ipdb

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2019-11-30 01:24:45

The following worked for me:

import sys

On newer versions of ipython, as mentioned above and below, this doesn't work. In that case,

import os

should still do the trick.

I put the following in my .pdbrc

import os

alias kk os.system('kill -9 %d' % os.getpid())

kk kills the debugger and (the process that trigger the debugger).

It's the problem with the recent version of IPython 5.1.0. You can check with your environment using the following code:

pip freeze | egrep -i '^i'

It will be resolved by downgraded to IPython==5.0.0.

pip install ipython==5.0.0

That works for me.

As mentioned in another answer, this was a bug in IPython 5.1. It was fixed in this pull request and is no longer an issue from IPython 5.2 and onwards. You can now use q, quit(), or Ctrl+d to exit the debugger.
