KDTree Splitting

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2019-11-30 00:32:40

The "surface area heuristic" (SAH) is considered the best splitting method for building kd-trees, at least within the raytracing community. The idea is to add the plane so that the surface areas of the two child spaces, weighted by the number of objexts in each child, are equal.

A good reference on the subject is Ingo Wald's thesis, in particular chapter 7.3, "High-quality BSP Construction", which explains SAH better than I can.

I can't find a good link at the moment, but you should look around for papers on "binned" SAH, which is an approximation to the true SAH but much faster.

All that being said, bounding-volume hierarchies (BVH) a.k.a. AABB trees, seem to be much more popular than kd-trees these days. Again, Ingo Wald's publication page is a good starting point, probably with the "On fast Construction of SAH based Bounding Volume Hierarchies" paper, although it's been a while since I read it.

The OMPF forums are also a good place to discuss these sorts of things.

Hope that helps. Good luck!

Certainly for a physics engine where the premise is lots of moving geometry, a bvh is probably the better choice, they don't traverse quite as quickly but they are much faster to build, and are much easier to refit/restructure on a frame per frame basis, and offen don't need a complete rebuild, every frame (something that can be done in parallel over a series of frames while the refitted bvh suffices in the meantime, again, refer to wald).

An exception to this in physics could be when you're dealing with entities that have no volume such as particles or photons, the building of the kd tree is simplified by the fact that you don't need to resolve the bounds of the individual primitive. It really depends on the application. A good physics engine should use a balanced combination of spatial acceleration structures, it's common practise to resolve broader phase partitioning with say a shallow octree then extend the leaf nodes with another scheme that better fits the nature of what you are doing, BSPs are ideal for static geometry, especially in 2d and when the structure isn't changing, the best thing to do is experiment with as many different schemes and structures and get a feel for how and when they work best.
