How to determine if a Maven artifact is in my repo from command line?

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2019-11-29 22:26:54

Here's the closest I think you'll get:

mvn dependency:get -Dartifact=g:a:v -o -DrepoUrl=file://path/to/your/repo

I'v tried it, it succeeds if the artifact (e.g. "junit:junit:4.8.2") is in your repo and fails if it isn't, but you have to write the full path to your local repo as an URL.

The key is to use the -o (offline) flag, because otherwise maven will always check the central repo.

I've never heard about something like this. Probably get goal of dependency plugin is somehow close, but it's still not exactly what you're looking for. I'm afraid there's no such thing. However, wrting own Maven plugin that does what you want could be pretty simple. New artifact resolution mechanism in Maven 3, called Aether, has really good and simple API.

Anyway, look at dependency plugin:
