Core Data Migration Across Multiple Version Upgrades

亡梦爱人 提交于 2019-11-29 20:59:19

The initial posting was now many months ago, but I think that the best answer is found in Marcus Zarra's Core Data book (or online in the code examples). Google for "progressivelyMigrateURL" and one will find code for progressively iterating through models - which would allow one to create mappings from model n to model n+1, while not worrying about the combinatorial explosion for creating mappings between all pairings of models.

This may result in a slower migration at run time. I haven't investigated this.

I went with ordinary migration using createDestinationInstancesForSourceInstance.
The snippet shows how to override that method and how to get the sourceVersion of the model to migrate. The actual migration is happening in the helper class TZMigrationHelper.

- (BOOL)createDestinationInstancesForSourceInstance:(NSManagedObject *)sInstance entityMapping:(NSEntityMapping *)mapping manager:(NSMigrationManager *)manager error:(NSError **)error
    float sourceVersion = [[[mapping userInfo] valueForKey:@"sourceVersion"] floatValue];
    if(sourceVersion <= 0.9)
        mapping = [TZMigrationHelper addAttributeMappingForDerivedRTFProperties:sInstance mapping:mapping propertyName:@"someProperty"];
        mapping = [TZMigrationHelper addAttributeMappingForDerivedRTFProperties:sInstance mapping:mapping propertyName:@"anotherProperty"];
        mapping = [TZMigrationHelper addAttributeMappingForDerivedRTFProperties:sInstance mapping:mapping propertyName:@"oneMoreProperty"];     
    return [super createDestinationInstancesForSourceInstance:sInstance entityMapping:mapping manager:manager error:error];