Is there a way to set an “expiry” time, after which a data entry is automatically deleted in PostgreSQL?

拥有回忆 提交于 2019-11-29 20:05:37

There is no built in expiration feature but if your goal is to automatically expire fields and have the logic contained within your database (and thus no outside dependency like a cron job) then you can always write a trigger. Below is an example of a trigger that deletes rows from a table that have a timestamp of older than 1 minute. It is executed whenever a new row is inserted into that same table. You can obviously set the trigger to execute on other conditions and for various expiration dates as need be. I used the following website as a basis for this:

CREATE TABLE expire_table (
    timestamp timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(),
    name TEXT NOT NULL

INSERT INTO expire_table (name) VALUES ('a');
INSERT INTO expire_table (name) VALUES ('b');
INSERT INTO expire_table (name) VALUES ('c');

select * from expire_table;
         timestamp          | name 
 2014-09-26 15:33:43.243356 | a
 2014-09-26 15:33:45.222202 | b
 2014-09-26 15:33:47.347131 | c
(3 rows)

CREATE FUNCTION expire_table_delete_old_rows() RETURNS trigger
    LANGUAGE plpgsql
    AS $$
  DELETE FROM expire_table WHERE timestamp < NOW() - INTERVAL '1 minute';

CREATE TRIGGER expire_table_delete_old_rows_trigger
    AFTER INSERT ON expire_table
    EXECUTE PROCEDURE expire_table_delete_old_rows();

INSERT INTO expire_table (name) VALUES ('d');

select * from expire_table;
         timestamp          | name 
 2014-09-26 15:36:56.132596 | d
(1 row)

No. There is no such feature.

I can't see what it does more than either (1) just an "expired" timestamp does or (2) timestamp + cron-job/pgAgent.

It doesn't sound like a general feature that would be added to the core. You could quite simply code an extension to handle this sort of thing, with either a tick called from a cron-job or perhaps a background-worker process.

I don't see anything on pgxn, so presumably there's not been much demand for it yet.
