I am new to Facebook API but I have to get all photos from a Facebook page. I managed to get a graph api query that returns all pictures of only the first ever created album on the page which is the profile picture album. For example:
But I need to do the same for all other existing albums in the page. Any pointers are really appreciated.
try this and let me know how it goes for you, I've successfully pulled all photos.
Ensure that you are an Admin of the Facebook Page.
In the API Navigator, you can see "/me" will bring up the basic information of yourself.
Try typing in "/me/accounts" to see if you can see anything. It should give you an error.
Click on "Get Access Token"
a window will pop-up. Navigate to "Extended Permissions"
Select "manage_pages"
Click "Get Access Token"
Now try "/me/accounts" again. You should see a list of Pages inside the viewing window.
Select the Page you want, and click on the "id" field
Next, on the left window, you can see "Node: " and a + sign. Click on the + sign to see what are the options you have.
Click on the + sign and scroll down to "connections" and select "Albums"
The child-level, select "Photos"
The "Photos" child-level, select "source"
Now click "Submit" on the right hand side. You will see a JSON returned with the url of all the photos in your selected Facebook Page.
Copy the URL - https://graph.facebook.com/?fields=albums.fields(photos.fields(source)) and plug it into your browser. You should see a JSON of all your photos, and its corresponding url on Facebook's CDN.
When you get your Facebook user, you can:
- get the list of all its albums
- get the user's profile picture
- get the photos the user (or friend) is tagged in
They respectively need those permissions:
- user_photos or friends_photos
- not needed
- user_photos or friends_photos
If you want to get those information from a Facebook page:
Permissions are: any valid access_token or user access_token