TreeTableView : setting a row not editable

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-11-29 17:09:29

The base problem is that none of the editable (nor the pseudo-editable like CheckBoxXX) Tree/Table cells respect the editability of the row they are contained in. Which I consider a bug.

To overcome, you have to extend the (pseudo) editable cells and make them respect the row's editable. The exact implementation is different for pseudo- vs. real editing cells. Below are in-line examples, for frequent usage you would make them top-level and re-use.

CheckBoxTreeTableCell: subclass and override updateItem to re-bind its disabled property like

colSelected.setCellFactory(c -> {
    TreeTableCell cell = new CheckBoxTreeTableCell() {

        public void updateItem(Object item, boolean empty) {
            super.updateItem(item, empty);
            if (getGraphic() != null) {

    return cell;

For a real editing cell, f.i. TextFieldTreeTableCell: override startEdit and return without calling super if the row isn't editable

colName.setCellFactory(c -> {
    TreeTableCell cell = new TextFieldTreeTableCell() {

        public void startEdit() {
            if (getTreeTableRow() != null && !getTreeTableRow().isEditable()) return;

    return cell;

Now you can toggle the row's editability as you do, changed the logic a bit to guarantee full cleanup in all cases:

ttv.setRowFactory(table-> {
    return new TreeTableRow<Person>(){
        public void updateItem(Person pers, boolean empty) {
            super.updateItem(pers, empty);
            // tbd: check for nulls!
            boolean isTopLevel = table.getRoot().getChildren().contains(treeItemProperty().get());
            if (!isEmpty() && isTopLevel) {
                //                        if(isTopLevel){


If you want disable a specific Cell then handle the disable logic in the CellFactory rather than in RowFactory. The static method forTreeTableColumn(..) is a convinient method for quick use. But that is not the only way. You can still create your own factory for CheckBoxTreeTableCell.

So instead of


set the cellfactory as below, and this should work for you.

colSelected.setCellFactory(new Callback<TreeTableColumn<Person, Boolean>, TreeTableCell<Person, Boolean>>() {
            public TreeTableCell<Person, Boolean> call(TreeTableColumn<Person, Boolean> column) {
                return new CheckBoxTreeTableCell<Person, Boolean>(){
                    public void updateItem(Boolean item, boolean empty) {
                        super.updateItem(item, empty);
                        boolean isTopLevel = column.getTreeTableView().getRoot().getChildren().contains(getTreeTableRow().getTreeItem());