Error in YAML with R Markdown

假如想象 提交于 2019-11-29 15:31:58
sebastian zapata
  1. Install the devtools package from CRAN.
  2. In R, run the following:



I took a while to fix this as well. It seems the new knitr needs a version of yaml 2.2.0 and above.

This help from @ScientificProgrammer on github here helped me. The solution was to install the new package using devtools from within standard R not RStudio. I did get some compiler error messages but it seemed to work. So don't let that put you off.

So inside Standard R assuming you have the devtools package


I am copying their answer over in full below to help people in case the link breaks:

In case it helps, I was having the same problem as IndrajeetPatil when I tried to run devtools::install_github("viking/r-yaml") from within RStudio. If I ran install.packages("viking/r-yaml") from within RStudio, the problem was resolved.

However, when I exited RStudio and ran devtools::install_github("viking/r-yaml") from within the standard R client, I still received the same compiler warnings, but the problem also went away.

P.S. Another popular solution that helped some people was to delete the yaml directory completely e.g. using Windows Explorer. Restart RStudio Ctrl + Shift + F10, and then re-install yaml package. That did not work for me as it kept giving me just 2.1.18 version.
